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Medusa Use to be mortal until she was transformed into a horrible monster Has snakes for hair Medusa’s face is so terrible that if you see it you turn.

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2 Medusa Use to be mortal until she was transformed into a horrible monster Has snakes for hair Medusa’s face is so terrible that if you see it you turn to stone A dragon like monster Persues cut off her head and now uses it to turn his enemies into stone

3 Cyclopes Very strange giants with one giant eye in the middle of their forehead At one time the Cyclopes were sent by Cronus to the underworld Zeus released the Cyclopes and they gave Zeus thunder-bolts to ruin Cronus Zeus destroyed Cronus and became god of the Universe

4 Cerberus A dog with three heads and a dragon like tail Watches the entrance to the underworld Cerberus allows anyone in the underworld but will never let them out Poisons the Earth if he ever touches it Tail is poisonous Cerberus has blood red eyes and 126 razor sharp teeth

5 Hydra A monster with 9 heads and poisonous breath Lives in swamps, lakes and eats cattle and crops while destroying the land Has a huge gut to digest cows Has webbed feet and claws Breath pollutes air and smells terrible To kill a Hydra, Heracles cut off all its heads and burned the stubs so new heads would not grow back

6 Sphinx Has large eagle wings Is a female Stands on victims neck with powerful lion paws and chokes them Originally came from the ancient kingdom of Egypt Has a perch where she waits to devour victims. If they answer this riddle correctly they keep their life: “Which creature has one voice but goes on four feet in the morning, two feet at noon and three in the evening.”- Answer is………. A MAN

7 Harpy Creatures with wings, beaks, and claws like a bird with a woman’s head Vulture looking body reeks(smells bad) Fly as fast as wind Feathers are as strong as armor They would capture mortals and bring them to the underworld Then they leave behind a disgusting smell

8 Minotaur Monster with a body like a mans and a head like a bulls King Minous hired Deadalus to build a maze for the Minotaur The maze is so complex that the Minotaur could never escape King Minous fed the Minotaur human victims Thesus, a Greek hero, put an end to the victim killing by having himself be a victim and slay the Minotaur. After he seized the Minotaur he used a string that Aridne gave him to find his way out and free the other human victims.

9 Sirens Sea Goddesses with heads of women and bodies of birds Lure sailors into their island by singing sweet/beautiful songs that the sailors can’t resist Would destroy the sailors once they came to the island Odysseus avoided the Sirens by putting wax in all of his crews ears. He then had his crew tie him to the mast of their ship because he was too curious to put wax in his own ears. Odysseus is the only man to hear the Sirens song and live.

10 Chimera A monster with the head of a lion, the tail of a dragon, and a body of a goat Breathe fire Bellerophon became a hero when he was able to slay the Chimera

11 Arachne Once a little girl who was a very good weaver Once faced Athena in a weaving contest Arachne’s weaving was much better looking than Athena’s so Athena shredded Arachne’s masterpiece Arachne was so sad that she was about to hang herself Athena took pity on the little girl so she turned Arachne into a spider

12 Charybdis A giant sea monster that sucked in and burped out seawater Anything that tried to pass this monster would get sucked in by him Charybdis was a male

13 Skylla A smelly monster with 6 necks that were each 12 feet long Each head had three sets of teeth that could easily devour a person Skylla was a female

14 Geryon A monster with two legs and three heads Lived on the island of Erytheia Heracles was able to kill this monster and his two- headed watch dog and capture the oxen that he was ordered to get. Heracles then brought the oxen safely back to Eurystheus.

15 Works Cited y1.JPG&imgrefurl= Wx_C7HEy_7NzLlVkt9k=&h=576&w=373&sz=38&hl=en&start=15&um=1&itbs=1& tbnid=YYSbdgnMPzDNDM:&tbnh=134&tbnw=87&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dharpy%2 Bgreek%2Bmythology%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26tbs%3Disch:1 400/Arachne+with+Athena.jpg 400/Arachne+with+Athena.jpg

16 Works Cited 2 41.jpg/300px-Scylla_Louvre_CA1341.jpg ode=fillcropmid&maxwidth=110 /u/578105_f496.jpg

17 Works Cited 3 Ostrow, Kim. Mythical Monsters: color and story album. New York: Price Stern Sloan inc. 1999. Print. McCall, Gerrie.Monsters and Villains of the Movies and Literature. New York: Tangerine Press. 2008. Print.

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