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Book 12 the odyssey. Odysseus goes back to Aeaea and has a funeral for Elpenor, one of his sailors. Also talks to Circe about his trials to come, and.

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Presentation on theme: "Book 12 the odyssey. Odysseus goes back to Aeaea and has a funeral for Elpenor, one of his sailors. Also talks to Circe about his trials to come, and."— Presentation transcript:

1 Book 12 the odyssey

2 Odysseus goes back to Aeaea and has a funeral for Elpenor, one of his sailors. Also talks to Circe about his trials to come, and feasts with her all day She later warns him of the challenges to come on his journey and how he can face them. The return to Aeaea

3 The crew sets out and first encounters the island of Sirenes Odysseus was told to put wax in the oarsmen's ears so they could not hear Sirenes calls. (Female creatures, sing songs which lure sailors to their death) He also has the men tie him to the ship so he can hear the calls and not be killed by them The Sirenes Promise to reveal the future to, he begs his crew men for him to be released from the mast, but they stick to their promise and do not

4 The Crew then has two encounter two huge forces Scylla- A six headed monster who swallows six sailors at a time Charybdis- A Huge whirlpool, that eaily could swallow the whole ship at once Odysseus navigates through a strait, where his sticks close to the cliffs of Scylla’s layer Big mistake, Scylla swoops down and eats six of the sailors

5 Odysseus Encounters the island of Thrinacia He wants to avoid it, but of course Eurylochus persuades him to go so the men can “rest” They are there for one month due to a large storm The crew runs out of food, and then Eurylochus persuades the men to eat Helios’ cattle, even though Odysseus clearly told them not too After they set sail, Zeus is asked by Helios to punish them He Creates a large storm which kills all of the crew except Odysseus

6 Odysseus reaches the island of Ogygia Calypsos' island His encounters there were mentioned in book five Book ends with Him finishing his story to the Phaeacians

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