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Mythology The Creation of Mankind *Notes*. Before Mankind Chaos—formless confusion Bears two children: Night Erebus—depths of Hell All is black, empty,

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Presentation on theme: "Mythology The Creation of Mankind *Notes*. Before Mankind Chaos—formless confusion Bears two children: Night Erebus—depths of Hell All is black, empty,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Mythology The Creation of Mankind *Notes*

2 Before Mankind Chaos—formless confusion Bears two children: Night Erebus—depths of Hell All is black, empty, silent  Night and Erebus bear Love  Love creates Light and Day—banishes confusion

3 Creation of the Earth Light and Day give birth to the Earth (Gaea), naturally. Earth first bears Heaven (Ouranos)

4 Personification of Earth What is personification? The universe is alive with the same kind of life you know in yourselves. Nature moves and changes. Winter, summer Shifting stars in the sky, restless sea

5 Personification of Earth (cont.) Natural forces receive distinct shapes: Children of Earth (Gaea) and Heaven (Ouranos): 3 Monster Races Hundred-Handed Ones—hundred hands, fifty heads Cyclops—one eye, monstrous Titans—some beneficent

6 Personification of Earth (cont.) Greeks make Heaven out to be a very poor father (ironic): Imprisons Hundred-Handed Ones in a secret place within Earth Leaves Cyclopes and Titans at large on Earth

7 Earth’s Reaction Mother Earth is furious at Father Heaven Appeals to her Titan son, Cronus, for help Wounds Heaven terribly—Giants (4 th race of monsters) spring from Heaven’s blood The Erinyes (Furies) are also born of his blood  Pursue and punish sinners  “those who walk in darkness”  Eyes weep blood, writhing snakes for hair  Cannot be banished from Earth as long as there is sin

8 Cronus and Rhea From that time and ages hence, Cronus ruled with his sister-queen, Rhea. Their son, Zeus, rebels Hundred-Handed Ones, Prometheus Punishes Titans (Atlas) Typhon Giants

9 Before Humans Earth—cloud-wrapped, misty, endless night Cimmerians—melancholy people Ethiopians—south—gods held them in their favor Hyperboreans—exceedingly fortunate—North Muses—lived near Hyperboreans Hair bound w/ golden laurel, feasted merrily No sickness, death

10 Before Humans (cont.) Ocean (great river of Earth) Bank is abode to blessed dead No precipitation Zephyr (West Wind) sings to refresh the souls of men

11 Creation of Mankind Gods assign creation of mankind to the twin Titans, Epimetheus and Prometheus Father/Brother = Atlas

12 Epimetheus Means “Afterthought” Scatterbrained, follows first impulses then changes mind Gives best traits to animals before creating man, none left for man Asks his brother, Prometheus, for help

13 Prometheus Means “Forethought” Very wise Fashions men to walk upright like the Gods Goes to heaven, the sun, lights a torch, and brings FIRE to mankind

14 Creation of Mankind Pt. II The Gods themselves created Mankind. Make 5 races Golden Silver Brass Godlike heroes Iron

15 The Golden Race Men are mortal, but without sorrow Heavenly—everything goes well Become pure spirits, guardians of mankind in death

16 The Silver Race Very inferior to the Golden race So little intelligence that they always hurt each other Spirits did not live on after death

17 The Brass Race Terrible, immensely strong Lovers of war and violence—completely destroy themselves

18 The Fourth Race Follow the Brass race Godlike heroes, sung about for ages Fought glorious wars, went on great adventures

19 The Iron Race Fifth and final race that currently inhabits the Earth Live in evil times; no rest from toil or sorrow Sons are always inferior to their fathers

20 The Iron Race (cont.) *A time will come when they have grown so wicked they will worship power Might = Right Reverence for good ceases to be

21 The Iron Race (cont.) When no man is angry anymore at wrongdoing or feels shame in the presence of the miserable, Zeus will destroy them. Common people must arise and put down the rulers that oppress them.

22 Agreement Both stories—the brothers and the five races—agree in one point: No women

23 Creation of Women Zeus creates them because of his anger towards Prometheus He gives the best parts to man Tricks Zeus Zeus creates women as revenge on Prometheus and mankind

24 Pandora “The Greatest Gift of All” Very beautiful, a wonder to behold From her comes the race of women Evil to man Evil nature

25 Pandora’s Box It was her curiosity, not her nature that was an evil to mankind. Gods present her with a box—each put something harmful into it Epimetheus taker her against his brother’s warning

26 Pandora’s Box (cont.) Pandora’s curiosity overwhelms her Opens the box Innumerable plagues upon mankind Hope—remains man’s sole comfort Never try to deceive Zeus

27 The Torture of Prometheus Zeus’s servants retrieve Prometheus Force Violence Bind him at Caucases—”Groans shall be your speech, lamentation your only words”  Punishment, confession

28 The Torture of Prometheus Zeus sends Hermes to Caucases to pry secret from Prometheus “Go and persuade the sea waves to break. You will persuade me no more easily.”

29 Hermes’ Warning Hermes warns Prometheus: “An eagle with red blood Shall come, a guest unbidden to your banquet. All day long he will tear to rags your body, Feasting in fury on the blackened liver.”

30 Prometheus’ Response Nothing could break Prometheus—his spirit was free Refuses to submit to tyranny and cruelty Would not give in to brutal power, no matter the cost “There is no force which can compel my speech. So let Zeus hurl his blazing bolts… None of this will bend my will.”

31 The Torture of Prometheus Hermes leaves Prometheus to suffer and die Chiron (Centaur)—immortal who volunteers to die for him Hercules slays the eagle

32 3 rd Creation Story Men become too wicked The Deluge Zeus gets Poseidon to flood the world—9 days and 9 nights Only Mount Parnassus is not covered

33 3 rd Creation Story (cont.) Wooden chest stumbles upon the peak of Parnassus Duecalion (Prometheus’ son) and Pyrrha (daugther of Epimetheus and Pandora) Protected by Prometheus—he knew the flood would come

34 3 rd Creation Story (cont.) Zeus pities them, dries the land “Veil your heads and cast behind you the bones of your mother” Earth’s bones are the stones (rocks) Stone people—rocks take human form—rescue Earth from desolation

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