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Multiple Images Journey within the chaos of the artistic mind.

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Presentation on theme: "Multiple Images Journey within the chaos of the artistic mind."— Presentation transcript:

1 Multiple Images Journey within the chaos of the artistic mind

2 Capturing Time Pelle Cass Photographer

3 Capturing Time Pelle Cass Photographer

4 Michelangelo Merici da Caravaggio “The most famous painter in Rome” Baroque Era His personal David and Goliath story…

5 Michelangelo Merici da Caravaggio “The greatest painter in Rome” Baroque Era Revisiting themes that are significant personally and professionally Same story – different composition Technique development Personal attachment and catharsis Message from the artist within the context of the piece

6 Michelangelo Merici da Caravaggio “The greatest painter in Rome” Baroque Era Revisiting themes that are significant personally and professionally

7 Michelangelo Merici da Caravaggio Michelangelo Merici da Caravaggio “The greatest painter in Rome” Baroque Era Revisiting themes that are significant personally and professionally Same story – different composition Technique development Personal attachment and catharsis Message from the artist within the context of the piece

8 Claude Monet French Impressionism The painting of the ephemeral Parliament Rouen Cathedral

9 Claude Monet French Impressionism Paint the light, not the subject. Parliament Rouen Cathedral - Vision of light- Weather and life - Never the same

10 Claude Monet French Impressionism Paint the light, not the subject. Rouen Cathedral With the subject as light, it is transitory and ephemeral

11 Jasper Johns and Andy Warhol - Pop Art Transposition of Icons. What is the significance of image?

12 Andy Warhol - Pop Art Using image to press the limits of Fine Art What is the significance of image?

13 Jasper Johns Jasper Johns - Pop Art Icons and symbols broken down to simple pattern. Question: -Color -Pattern -Brush stroke -Repetition -Surface -Medium -Placement

14 Hannah Hoch Photomontage Dada taking the reigns of photomanipulation

15 Hannah Hoch Hannah Hoch Photomontage Post WWI reactions From the woman’s perspective

16 Before Photoshop – Jerry Uelsmann Photos as documentation of surreality Photo Montage gelatin prints

17 Before Photoshop – Jerry Uelsmann Photos as documentation of surreality Photo Montage gelatin prints

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