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John T. Costello National Centre for Plasma Science & Technology (NCPST)/ School of Physical Sciences, Dublin City University Outline.

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Presentation on theme: "John T. Costello National Centre for Plasma Science & Technology (NCPST)/ School of Physical Sciences, Dublin City University Outline."— Presentation transcript:

1 John T. Costello National Centre for Plasma Science & Technology (NCPST)/ School of Physical Sciences, Dublin City University Outline of Laser Plasma and EUV Research at the NCPST, DCU EU COST MP0601, Pisa, Nov. 22 - 23 (2007) EU COST Action MP0601 - SWRS

2 Who are we ? Current Laser Plasma/EUV Facilities & Activities EUV activities at Synchrotron & FEL Sources Opportunities for collaboration/ STSMs Outline of the Talk

3 DCU Laser Plasma-EUV Research Academic Staff (4): John T. Costello, Eugene T. Kennedy, Jean-Paul Mosnier and Paul van Kampen Current Postdocs (2): Dr. Patrick Hayden, Dr. Pat Yeates Current PhD students (9): Caroline Banahan, John Dardis, Padraig Hough, Conor McLaughlin, Ricky O'Haire, Vincent Richardson, Dave Smith, Tommy Walsh & Jiang Xi Recent PhD Graduates: Mark Stapleton, Jonathan Mullen, Kevin Kavanagh, Eoin O’Leary - open positions for Oct 2008. Recent Postdocs: Deirdre Kilbane, Hugo de Luna, Jofre Gutieriez-Pedrogosa, Brendan Doggett, Subo Chakraborti and Jean-Rene Duclere Laser Plasma @ NCPST - 6 laboratory areas focussed on pulsed laser matter interactions (spectroscopy/ imaging) Funded by: SFI - Frontiers and Investigator HEA - PRTLI IRCSET - Embark & BRGS EU - Marie Curie EU COST MP0601, Pisa, Nov. 22 - 23 (2007)

4 Research Domains: 1.Photoionization of Atoms and Ions with Laser Plasma, Synchrotron and Free Electron Laser Light Sources 2.Optical Diagnostics of Laser Produced Plasmas 3.Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS) in the vacuum-UV 4.Pulsed Laser Deposition (PLD) of Materials Some Current Projects: 1.Two colour photoionization of atoms with EUV FELs (& LPLS) 2.UV-Vis imaging, spectroscopy and interferometry of colliding laser produced plasmas 3.VUV-LIBS for Elemental Characterisation in Steel 4.PLD and in-situ P-type doping of ZnO nanostructures Laser Plasma @ NCPST - 6 laboratory areas focussed on pulsed laser matter interactions (spectroscopy/ imaging) EU COST MP0601, Pisa, Nov. 22 - 23 (2007) DCU Laser Plasma-EUV Research

5 EUV DLP Photoabsorption EU COST MP0601, Pisa, Nov. 22 - 23 (2007) -Backlighting Plasma I o / Both Plasmas I = I o e -  nL -Relative Cross Section /  NL =Ln(Io/I) -Species choice   x,  T, I(W/cm 2 ) -Species: Neutral/ Multiplycharged/Refractory -  ~ 1500,  t ~ 10 ns,  x ~ 250 mm -Isonuclear Sequences/ Isoelectronic Sequences -NEW (07): Two Colour DLP / MCP gated (< 5 ns) Reviews: Costello et al., Physica.Scripta T34, 77 (1991)/ E T Kennedy et al., Radiat. Phys. Chem. 70, 291 (2004) Recent Ref: D. Kilbane et al., Phys. Rev. A 75, 062503 (2007) Contact: Costello/ Kennedy/ van Kampen

6 VUV Photoabsorption (Imaging) EU COST MP0601, Pisa, Nov. 22 - 23 (2007) Time resolution:~10 ns (200 ps - EKSPLA) / Spectral range:10 - 35 eV (120 - 35 nm) VUV bandwidth: ~0.05 nm@50 nm (50  m slits)/ Spatial resolution: ~120  m (H) x 150  m (V) Time/space resolved images (33 eV) of Ca + species on an expanding plasma plume Time/Space resolved column density image - Ca + at 100 ns Refs: J Hirsch et al., Rev. Sci. Inst. 74, 2992 (2003) & Laser. Part. Beams 22, 207 (2004) K Kavanagh, PhD Thesis, DCU (2006) J Mullen, PhD Thesis, DCU (2006) -NEW 2008: Adding ion-TOF for 2-Colour Photoionization in VUV) Contact: Costello

7 VUV Laser Induced Plasma Spectroscopy EU COST MP0601, Pisa, Nov. 22 - 23 (2007) TISR-VUV-LIPS -NEW 2008: Double Pulse VUV-LIPS -NEW 2009 (?): TRSR-VUV-LIPS Limits of detection: < 2ppm for C/S in Steel Refs: M A Khater et al., Appl. Spec. 56 970 (2002) M. A. Khater et al., Proc SPIE, 4876 894 (2003) J Bengoechea & E Kennedy ET, JAAS 19 468 (2004) E O’Leary, PhD Thesis, DCU (2007) Contact: Kennedy/ Costello

8 Colliding Laser Plasma Diagnostics EU COST MP0601, Pisa, Nov. 22 - 23 (2007) Refs: D Doria et al., Meas. Sci. Technol. 17, 670 (2006) H. Luna et al., J. Appl. Phys 101, 033302 (2007) K Kavanagh, PhD Thesis, DCU (2006) Time Resolved Imaging, Spectroscopy, Interferometry, Shadowgraphy, Thompson Scattering,…. Contact: Costello

9 EU COST MP0601, Pisa, Nov. 22 - 23 (2007) Colliding Laser Plasma Diagnostics Early phase: InterferometryMidlife: SpectroscopyLate Phase: Thompson Scat.

10 EU COST MP0601, Pisa, Nov. 22 - 23 (2007) New Ultrafast Laboratory (2008) Nano-T-Eire network: “Ultrafast Processes and Interactions” electron kinetic energy /eV 0-20-40-60204060 Delay / fs 5 10 15 20 Low field regime: Int(IR) ≈ 10 11 W/cm 2  (sideband) 2 =  (IR) 2 +  (VUV) 2 M Meyer et al., PRA 69 051401(R) (2004) In equipment tender phase: 3mJ/30fs/1kHz System with (OPA?) / Streak Camera Programme (preliminary) 1. HOHG + 800 nm for photo- ionization in intense NIR fields 2. HOHG x 2 (phase effects in photoionization) 3. Diagnostics of Colliding Plasmas Others: Surface science & dynamics H19 H17 (26eV) H21 Ar 3p 6 Ar + 3p 5 VUV IR e-e- 15,76 eV  T (laser) = 30fs In equipment tender phase: 3mJ/30fs/1kHz System with (OPA?) / Streak Camera Programme (preliminary) 1. HOHG + 800 nm for photo- ionization in intense NIR fields 2. HOHG x 2 (phase effects in photoionization) 3. Diagnostics of Colliding Plasmas Others: Surface science & dynamics Contact: Costello

11 EU COST MP0601, Pisa, Nov. 22 - 23 (2007) Off-site VUV and EUV activities One and Two Colour Photoionization Studies Aarhus: Photoionization of ions with synchrotron radiation D. Kilbane et al., Phys. Rev. A 75, 032711 (2007) Photoaborption and photoionization spectra of Rb + between the 4p ionization thresholds DESY Hamburg: 2-Colour (ATI) 1. Opt. Lett. 31 1750 (2006) 2. PRA 74 011401R (2006) 3. APL 90 131108 (2007) 4. Nature Phot. 1, 336 (2007) 5. NIMA doi:10.1016/ j.nima.2007.09.014 (2007) Refs: Duesterer/Radcliffe et al.

12 water window Wavelength range (fundamental): 13-48 nm (6 - 60 nm Nov 2007) FEL harmonics (@13.7 nm): 3 rd : 4.6 nm (270 eV) 5 rd : 2.7 nm (450 eV) Spectral width (FWHM): 0.5-1 % Pulse energy: up to 70 µJ (average), 170 µJ (peak) Pulse duration (FWHM): 10-50 fs Peak power (fundamental): Few GW Average power (fundamental): 0.1 W (up to 3000 pulses / sec) Photons per pulse: ~ 10 13 FLASH: Key Performance Indicators Ackermann et al., Nature Photonics 1 336 (2007) EU COST MP0601, Pisa, Nov. 22 - 23 (2007)

13 Potential VUV/EUV STSMs Incoming: 1.DLP Photoabsorption of Atoms and Ions 2.TI-SR VUV-LIPS and SXR-LIPS (Flat Xtal: 800 - 2500 eV)* 3.TR-SR EUV-LIPS 4.TR-UV/Vis Imaging and Spectroscopy of Table-Top LPPS Outgoing: 1.HOHG Generation and Applications 2.K-alpha Generation and Applications 3.Plasma diagnostics (Thompson Scattering) 4.Computational (Multifluid/ PIC) Laser Plasma Codes * Spectrometer system may be shipped to DESY mid. 2008 - 2009

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