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Burak Karacık İstanbul Technical University Turkey Key Question to be addressed by the round table discussion How do megacities modify freshwater and seawater?

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Presentation on theme: "Burak Karacık İstanbul Technical University Turkey Key Question to be addressed by the round table discussion How do megacities modify freshwater and seawater?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Burak Karacık İstanbul Technical University Turkey Key Question to be addressed by the round table discussion How do megacities modify freshwater and seawater? What are the impacts of pollution on water resources and ecosystem goods and services ? How can we beneficially turn the impact to a resource? Prof. Dr. Dr. Karl-Werner Schramm Technische Universität München Helmholtz Zentrum München Germany

2 Istanbul is the most populated (20 % of the total population 15 million inhabitants) and industrialized (50 % of the total industry) city in Turkey. According to Istanbul Water and Sewage Authority (İSKİ) 9 main water discharges are existing The strait is one of the most important shipping route handling annually 50000 ships, in addition to fishing boats Impacts of pollution on water resources and ecosystem good and services (Determination of priority pollutants and their effects in the İstanbul Strait ecosystem and Recommendations for a better management strategy in the Istanbul Strait )

3 According to results from 24 sampling stations, Istanbul Strait have been polluted by metals and PAHs as well as priority pollutants. Pollutant concentrations measured at the mouth of tributaries were found higher compared to other places in the strait The Strait contamination is mainly the result of anthropogenic activities.

4 Concise formulation of the round table discussion topic Impacts of pollution on water resources and ecosystem good and services could be reduced by providing monitoring and action programs and development of executive co-operation between research, industry and other stakeholders Innovation is needed to turn discharge into resource (separation, energy, nutrients, biochar)

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