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Expedition Food pg 37. Important Facts A normal day we use approximately 2000cals, when walking we use up to 4000cals. Ease of cooking Size/storage Washing.

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Presentation on theme: "Expedition Food pg 37. Important Facts A normal day we use approximately 2000cals, when walking we use up to 4000cals. Ease of cooking Size/storage Washing."— Presentation transcript:

1 Expedition Food pg 37

2 Important Facts A normal day we use approximately 2000cals, when walking we use up to 4000cals. Ease of cooking Size/storage Washing Calorie content and taste

3 Breakfast Before a day of walking, you need a breakfast that supplies you with energy. Porridge Cereal Cereal bars Bread/Croissants Tea/coffee

4 Lunch Your lunch should provide further carbohydrate to provide more sustained energy. Sandwiches Pre made pasta salad Couscous Soup Chocolate/High Energy bars Fruit

5 Dinner Treat yourself to a satisfying tea after a day walking. Pasta and sauce Pre-made meals Soup Stew

6 Snacks Different people have lots of different things they like to snack on, the list is endless. The best thing to remember is high energy snacks have no washing up and need little storage space in your bag. Sweets and other sweet snacks are good motivators to keep groups walking!

7 Finally …. You can always purchase camping meals from various outdoor shops or use army ration packs for ease and convenience. The correct selection of food and drink is essential to a healthy expedition or walk.

8 How to avoid doing dishes when camping

9 Porridge Pan Bowl Spoon Sandwiches Knife Plate Pasta and meatballs Pan (2) Spoon Knife/Fork Plate How much washing up do you create?

10 Eat fruit, it has been made for you. Just add water, usually in a plastic tub. Eat cold foods, gets rid of the pans. Don’t worry about aesthetics, it all looks the same in the end! Boil in the bag/tin, it wont get the pan dirty. Tips to avoid washing up

11 Eat out of the packaging. Cook as much in one pan as possible. If boiling water, use this to rinse any other dishes used. Eat out of the pan, it keeps your food warmer for longer. If you MUST wash up do it as soon as you finish! Tips for reducing mess

12 Rice Pudding Eat out of the tin Sausage Rolls and fruit Eat out of the packet Chicken Supreme and Rice Pan Spoon Low impact washing up day

13 Alternatively, do as the Greeks do!

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