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The Vocabulary Mapping Framework matrix Gordon Dunsire Presented to the Workshop on Conceptual Modelling for Archives, Libraries and Museums 28-29 Jan.

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Presentation on theme: "The Vocabulary Mapping Framework matrix Gordon Dunsire Presented to the Workshop on Conceptual Modelling for Archives, Libraries and Museums 28-29 Jan."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Vocabulary Mapping Framework matrix Gordon Dunsire Presented to the Workshop on Conceptual Modelling for Archives, Libraries and Museums 28-29 Jan 2010, National Gallery, Helsinki

2 Vocabulary Mapping Framework  Funded by UK’s Joint Information Systems Committee (JISC)  Only first stage funded  Major expansion of the RDA/ONIX framework for resource categorization  To create a tool to support the automated mapping of vocabularies from metadata standards of use to the JISC community  Research, teaching, learning environments  Project conducted during second half of 2009

3 A starting point: RDA outreach  Resource Description and Access  RDA outreach to other communities  RDA/ONIX framework  RDA and publishing community  DCMI (Dublin Core Metadata Initiative) RDA Task Group  Members from Dublin Core, IEEE-Learning Object Metadata, RDA, and W3C communities  Expressing RDA element set and value vocabularies in Resource Description Framework (RDF)  See D-Lib Magazine January/February 2010

4 RDA alignment  RDA alignment with recent metadata models developed by IFLA (International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions)  Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records (FRBR)  Functional Requirements for Authority Data (FRAD)  Statement of International Cataloguing Principles  Stimulated IFLA project to develop RDF representation of FRBR (entity-relationship) model  RDF awaiting final approval

5 Other IFLA activity  Study group to consider RDF/XML representation of International Standard Bibliographic Description (ISBD)  Model underpinning many national cataloguing schema, including MARC21  Task group to consider general support for RDF/XML namespaces for IFLA “standards”  Consolidation of “FR” family of models, including Functional Requirements for Subject Authority Data (FRSAD) when finalised (2010+)

6 Linked data (2009, mostly)  Increasing presence of “expert” metadata in the linked data pool  Library of Congress Subject Headings (LCSH)  With relators to Rameau (French subject heading scheme) terms  Top-level Dewey Decimal Classification (DDC) notations and captions (1000+)  In 9 languages  Top-level Universal Decimal Classification (UDC) notations and captions real soon now

7 Opportunities and possibilities  If metadata schema (MARC21, UNIMARC, RDA, ISBD) in RDF  Then easier to parse instance data (catalogue records) into RDF  If very large quantities of legacy instance data available in RDF  Then latent associations (relationships) can be identified using statistical inferencing  E.g. Mapping of DDC notations to LCSH (WebDewey)  If critical mass of rich (diverse) RDF triples  Then utility of Semantic Web increases

8 VMF requirements  VMF goal is to automatically compute the “best fit” mappings between any two pre- defined vocabularies  Scalable and extensible to accommodate new and changing vocabularies  Flexible to allow engagement by different communities in various stages of vocabulary development and mapping  Non-prescriptive to encourage uptake  And allow use beyond VMF (and RDF) environment

9 VMF vocabularies  FRAD, FRBR, MARC21, RDA (libraries)  ONIX (book/serials publishing)  DDEX (recorded music)  Dublin Core (web metadata)  LOM SCORM (education)  DOI (any content)  CIDOC CRM (museums and archives)  MPEG21 RDD (digital rights)  RDA ONIX Framework (libraries and publishing)  Focus on Resource and Party (Agent) categories and relators between them  Increasing use of relators instead of attributes

10 VMF data model  Based on Rightscom’s COA model, which grew from the framework  Has much in common with FRBR and CIDOC CRM  Terms are mapped into an ontology (the VMF matrix) built up from “families” of concepts based on verbs  Concept families provide all possible points (“nodes”) in the VMF matrix for vocabulary terms to be mapped.  Nodes are generated automatically

11 Concept family  Accommodates terms for roles, bi-directional relator pairs, uni-directional relators (properties), classes and attributes  FRBR class “Choreography”  vmf:ChoreographedDance  RDA role “choreographer”  vmf:ChoreographedDance_DanceChoreographer  RDA/ONIX attribute “language”  vmf:LexicalWork  DDEX role “Author”  Vmf:LexicalWork_Writer

12 vmf:Adaptor vmf:WordsAdaptor vmf:Translator vmf:SubtitlesTranslator vmf:WordsCreator vmf:TranslatorAndCommentator vmf:Commentator onix:Translated by onix:Translated with commentary by ddex:Translator Ddex:SubtitlesTranslator Mapping to the matrix Every term in a vocabulary is given an equivalent term in a VMF concept family… From: Godfrey Rust (Rightscom) – How the VMF matrix works, Nov 2009

13 vmf:Adaptor vmf:WordsAdaptor vmf:Translator vmf:SubtitlesTranslator vmf:WordsCreator vmf:TranslatorAndCommentator vmf:Commentatoronix:Translated by onix:Translated with commentary by ddex:Translator ddex:SubtitlesTranslator Queries can then be used to find the “best fit” mappings between two terms or complete vocabularies. Mapping scheme to scheme From: Godfrey Rust (Rightscom) – How the VMF matrix works, Nov 2009

14 vmf:Adaptor vmf:WordsAdaptor vmf:Translator vmf:SubtitlesTranslator vmf:WordsCreator vmf:TranslatorAndCommentator vmf:Commentator onix:Translated by onix:Translated with commentary by ddex:Translator Ddex:SubtitlesTranslator Mapping scheme to scheme Queries can then be used to find the “best fit” mappings between two terms or complete vocabularies. From: Godfrey Rust (Rightscom) – How the VMF matrix works, Nov 2009

15 VMF matrix  Available (some constraints) from:   Contains approximately:  10 schemes  53 vocabularies mapped in whole or part  500+ concept families  8000+ unique terms  30,000+ RDF triples  RDF triples in TTL format  With or without sample vocabulary mappings  Some documentation also available

16 Some applications  Metadata cross-walks  Between different vocabularies  E.g. Publisher metadata (ONIX) and library metadata (RDA)  Mapping of local, bespoke metadata schemes  From local scheme to global framework  Local metadata often specialised, specific, and unique

17 Identification  VMF namespace URI for every mapped vocabulary term  Linked to published (scheme) URI for term  Scheme URI to be used as external referent  VMF is a black box  If term not mapped within VMF  Add to VMF  Forces review of internal VMF mappings  If no scheme URI, use VMF URI as referent?  Map to term already mapped within VMF  owl:equivalentClass; owl:equivalentProperty

18 Thank you   VMF website 

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