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IES La Fuensanta Martín Jemes Carlos Perales Francisco Galán Esteban García 3ºC.

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Presentation on theme: "IES La Fuensanta Martín Jemes Carlos Perales Francisco Galán Esteban García 3ºC."— Presentation transcript:

1 IES La Fuensanta Martín Jemes Carlos Perales Francisco Galán Esteban García 3ºC

2 Photographied places We went around the high school and we took some photos: The reception The bookshop The football pitch A photo with a teacher The gym (with the teacher) The carpentry The electronic class The fountain The canteen The library A photo with the headmaster

3 The reception

4 The bookshop

5 The football pitch

6 A photo with a teacher

7 The gym

8 The carpentry

9 The electronic class

10 The fountain

11 The canteen

12 A photo with the headmaster

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