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B.I.K.E. | Boyle County Recommendations for Discussion Community Trails Forum M A R C H 2 0 0 8.

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Presentation on theme: "B.I.K.E. | Boyle County Recommendations for Discussion Community Trails Forum M A R C H 2 0 0 8."— Presentation transcript:

1 B.I.K.E. | Boyle County Recommendations for Discussion Community Trails Forum M A R C H 2 0 0 8

2 Overview Creating a more active, connected community achieves multiple benefits

3 Overview Creating a more active, connected community achieves multiple benefits Promoting safer, bicycle-friendly streets and roads Collaborative planning with community partners Incentives to start developing a master plan Funding will go to unified communities with a vision Balance the interests of non-motorized users Bicyclists and pedestrians: the emerging mainstream

4 B.I.K.E. Priority Corridors Byways identified for bicyclist/pedestrian accommodations within central Danville

5 B.I.K.E. Priority Corridors CORRIDOR ONE — US-150 / Perryville Road From the railroad viaduct to the bypass at Boyle Schools campus CORRIDOR TWO — Ky-34 / East Lexington From Wilderness Road to the proposed Ky-2168 bypass CORRIDOR THREE — Ky-34 / Lebanon Road From Perryville Road intersection to the bypass at Enterprise Center CORRIDOR FOUR — Ky-33 / Shakertown Road From East Lexington Avenue to the existing Ky-2168 CORRIDOR FIVE — US-127 / Hustonville Road From Clark’s Run to the bypass at Danville Manor CORRIDOR SIX — US-150 / Stanford Road From East Main Street to the South Danville bypass

6 Urban Connecting Corridors Having the potential for shared-use paths or trails within central Danville

7 Urban Connecting Corridors Connectors to Existing Clark’s Run Trail — Town Branch Corridor Lebanon Road Corridor Industrial Park Corridor Connectors to Existing Millennium Park Trail— Man-O-War Boulevard Corridor Lebanon Road Corridor

8 Urban Connecting Corridors Having the potential for shared-use paths or trails within central Danville

9 Boyle County Corridors Having the potential for shared-use paths or trails outside central Danville

10 Boyle County Corridors Proposed KY-2168 Connector — Ky-33 to Ky-34 Existing KY-2168 Connector — US-127 to Ky-33 Industrial Park Frontage — Ky-34 / Lebanon Road Downtown Perryville to Battlefield Park — Ky-1920 Danville to Downtown Junction City + “Rail Trail” Boyle County Connection to US-27 “Healthway”

11 Boyle County Corridors Proposed KY-2168 Connector — Ky-33 to Ky-34 Existing KY-2168 Connector — US-127 to Ky-33

12 Boyle County Corridors Industrial Park Frontage — Ky-34 / Lebanon Road Downtown Perryville to Battlefield Park — Ky-1920

13 Boyle County Corridors Danville to Downtown Junction City + “Rail Trail” Boyle County Connection to US-27 “Healthway”

14 Designated Bicycle Routes Existing “Midland Kentucky Tour” route State-designated bicycle tour that traverses Boyle County Most popularly bicycled roads and highways Including Bluegrass Pike, Gentry Lane, Webster Road, Forkland Road, Chrisman Lane, Goggin Lane, and others Routes of annually organized “Signature Rides” Major fund-raising tours that pass through Boyle County each year, including the “Bike Trek to Shakertown” and “Bike MS Ride”

15 Designated Bicycle Routes Existing “Midland Kentucky Tour” route

16 Designated Bicycle Routes Most popularly bicycled roads and highways Routes of annually organized “Signature Rides”

17 Important Considerations Creating a comprehensive master plan will involve more than recreational trails A safer, more balanced transportation system Envision a network of multi-modal corridors A community that accommodates all users A shared understanding of terminology “Safe Routes to Schools” and “Complete Streets” Co-existence means long-term cost-effectivness

18 Thank you for your considerate appraisal. presented on behalf of B.I.K.E. | Boyle County John A Dixon Dixon Design 324 West Broadway Danville, Kentucky 40422 859.238.9498

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