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Mission Why? General Contractors Insurance Manufacture Labor Sub Contractor Regulatory Agencies Big Business.

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Presentation on theme: "Mission Why? General Contractors Insurance Manufacture Labor Sub Contractor Regulatory Agencies Big Business."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mission Why? General Contractors Insurance Manufacture Labor Sub Contractor Regulatory Agencies Big Business

2 To create one unified standard and a resource for construction and building tool designers, manufacturers and operators. Mission Statement main next To enable construction and building tools to be used in a safe, efficient and in an environmentally responsible way. To promote innovation and economically viable solutions for its members.

3 Promotes innovative tools that address the safety of the employee and the environment Why Do We Need GSTC? Regulation alone are not solving some of the long standing safety issues in the construction industry Standards that can be globally unified and followed that meet or exceed all regulations main next

4 Employee Safety Why Now? Green Building OSHA is about to revise exposure regulations that will change the way building is done. main next Zero Harm Policies

5 Maintain highest standard of safety Why does Big Business want this? Environmental Impact Reduced Insurance/Claims cost (self insured) main next Social Responsibility Efficiency

6 Concern for employee safety Maintain highest Safety Standard main back Companies like Disney, Dupont, IBM, Johnson & Johnson have strict policies against preventable injuries GC’s and regulatory agencies look to big business as examples of exemplary safety standards

7 No carcinogens in air Environmental Impact main back No water/sludge on jobsites Material recycling

8 Fewer injuries = less claims dollars paid Reduced Insurance / Claims cost main back Reduced future exposure/claims

9 Zero harm to employees Why do General Contractors want this? Zero harm to environment Green/Recycling main next Reduced Liability Required by big business and insurance Efficiency

10 Many general contractors have adopted “Zero Harm” policies as their safety motto Zero Harm main back Zero harm applies both to employees and the environment at the job site

11 LEED certification has inspired many General Contractors to encourage recycling of construction materials on the job site Green / Recycling main back Social Consciousness - Recycling is good for the environment and the community in which the construction is being done

12 Construction tools that reduce or remove employee exposure to air borne carcinogens also reduce or remove employee liability exposure Reduced Liability main back

13 Employee operator is more efficient with proper training and tool usage Efficiency main back More efficient clean up at job site

14 Cleaner, Safer, Quieter and Greener construction tools if available will be required by big business and insurance companies Required by big business & insurance main back

15 Public Safety Why do Regulatory Agencies want this? Unified Standard Operational Training main next Socially Responsible Offers “Feel Good” voluntary solutionsOffers “Feel Good” voluntary solutions

16 Number one responsibility of Regulatory agencies is Public Safety Public Safety main back Green Safe Tool Council assists agencies in accomplishing this on many levels

17 Green Safe Tool Council standards meet or exceed all current government standards so compliance can be easily determined Unified Standards main back

18 Having the standard only matters if the procedures required to achieve it are followed. Green Safe Tool Council establishes training for proper use of certified tools. Operational Training main back

19 Certified Standards are cleaner, greener, safer, quieter and more efficient. Socially Responsible main back

20 Encouraging use of Green Safe Tool Council standards is a way to promote all of the objectives of the regulatory agencies without imposing more regulations and fines. “Feel Good” voluntary solution main back

21 Reduced liability for employee exposure Why does Insurance want this? Environmental risk liability reduced Fewer claims paid main next Added value to insured

22 When employee exposure is removed so is the liability Reduced liability for employee exposure main back

23 Environmental property damage claims have increased significantly over the past two decades Reduce environmental risk liability main back Recycling of material means it gets carried off the job site not blown through the air or washed into the water system Contractors and consultants that ignore environmental exposures can expose themselves to significant legal risks and large fines

24 Training Added value to clients main back AHA/JHA Relevant issues and concerns being addressed

25 Fewer Claims = dollars saved. Fewer Claims Paid main back

26 Why do Manufacturers want this? main next Clearly defined market advantage over non-certified tools Reduced liability Insurance, Big Business and General Contractors will request or require Green Safe certified tools on all projects Advertising / Market Driver - Green, Safe, Clean, Quiet Tools Distributor / Retailer end user training - Direct customer interaction

27 Why do Manufacturers want this? main next Tools designed for world wide market = reduced cost and R&D and tooling Direct design and use requirements from Labor/Regulatory agencies, Big Business and General Contractors New products to sell Continuous on the job risk assessment from safety professionals

28 Why does Labor / Sub Contractors want this? Contracting advantage Advantage over other sub-contractors main next Employee Training Job efficiency Employee Safety AHA/JHA compliance

29 GSTC not only sets a new level of safety standard for tools but also considers the safe and correct way to operate them. Employee Safety main back

30 As big business and insurance requires use of these certified tool standards, GC’s will request and / or require use of these tools and process Advantage over other Sub-Contractors main back

31 AHAs and JHAs will be one less thing the Sub- contractors need to worry about. GSTC will provide these documents as part of the standards AHA / JHA Compliance main back

32 Labor Unions and Sub-Contractors will have the council as a “partner” in training their employees in the safe and proper way to use construction tools Employee Training main back

33 Less equipment and prep time Job Efficiency main back Less clean up Recycling made more efficient

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