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According to the World Health Organization, 650 Million people in the world have some type of physical or mental disability.

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Presentation on theme: "According to the World Health Organization, 650 Million people in the world have some type of physical or mental disability."— Presentation transcript:

1 According to the World Health Organization, 650 Million people in the world have some type of physical or mental disability.


3 Schizophrenia is a mental disorder that effects an individual’s: Thinking Emotions Behaviors Anyone can develop Schizophrenia no matter their: Ethnicity Gender Age

4 Discovered in Switzerland Pyschiatrist Eugen Bleuler discovered it Schizophrenia means split mind


6 Genetics

7 Fueled by Hollywood  Schizophrenics are violent  Schizophrenics have to live in mental hospitals  Schizophrenics have multiple personalities




11 Positive “Excess of distortions of mental functions” (Langwith 24) Positive symptoms are not necessarily good Symptoms include: -Hallucinations -Delusions Negative “lack or absence of behaviors” (Langwith 24) Negative symptoms are not necessarily bad Symptoms include: -Loss of cognitive skills -Inappropriate emotional responses -Loss of emotion


13  Paranoid -Have thoughts that they are being persecuted -Delusions often involve government agencies like the CIA or FBI  Catatonic: - At risk for malnutrition, exhaustion, or self harm  Residual: - Positive and negative symptoms - At least one psychotic episode

14  Disorganized -Disorganized thinking and behavior -Inappropriate responses to certain situations  Undifferentiated -Positive and negative symptoms -Doesn’t fit the criteria for the other types

15  Acute -First psychotic episode -Intervention and possibly hospitalization  Stabilization -Figuring out medication -Prevention of relapse  Maintenance -Continuation/tweaking of medication -Relapse is common

16  Medication is the foundation  Group Therapy  Individual or family therapy

17  Social skills training  Supported employment


19 2011/03/document.jpg content/uploads/2012/08/webmd_rm_photo_ of_schizophrenic_brain.jpg aph.gif content/uploads/2012/12/the-hard-truth- about-genetics-and-muscle-growth.png content/uploads/2012/03/training.jpg content/uploads/2010/07/medication1.jpg ns/thumb/1/1d/Grouptherapy.jpg/230px- Grouptherapy.jpg Bibliography http://senatorbrett.files.wordpress. com/2012/10/schizophrenia.jpg edia/en/thumb/9/96/Shutter_Isla nd_Soundtrack.jpg/220px- Shutter_Island_Soundtrack.jpg ODc3MDIzMl5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTYw MDU0NzE5._V1_SX214_.jpg

20 Gur, R.E., and A.B. Johnson. “If your adolescent has Schizophrenia”. New York: Oxford University Press, 2006. Print. Kurtz, Matthew M. “A Social Salve for Schizophrenia”. Scientific American Mind. Mar/Apr 2013, Vol 24 Issue 1: p. 62-67. Langwith, J.L. “Perspectives on Diseases and Disorders: Schizophrenia”. 1 st. Michigan: Gale Cengage Learning. 2011. Print Mayo Clinic Staff. “Schizophrenia”. Mayo Clinic. 2012. Mayo Clinic Foundation for Medical Education and Research. 2 April 2013. Pulver, D.A. “Schizophrenia” Johns Hopkins Medicine. 2007. The Johns Hopkins University. 19 April 2013. “Schizophrenia”. Merriam-webster. 2012. Britannica Organization. 9 May 2013. “Schizophrenia”. National Institute of Mental Health. 2012. National Institute of Mental Health. 2 April 2013. Works Cited

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