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To investigate the ways in which the lives of Muslims are affected by their religious faith.

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Presentation on theme: "To investigate the ways in which the lives of Muslims are affected by their religious faith."— Presentation transcript:

1 To investigate the ways in which the lives of Muslims are affected by their religious faith


3 Islam began in Arabia and was revealed to humanity by the Prophet Muhammad. Those who follow Islam are called Muslims. Muslims believe that there is only one God. The Arabic word for God is Allah. e/clips/what-do- muslims- believe-about- allah/3033.html -spread-of-islam/3037.html

4 The Qur'an is the holy book for Muslims, revealed in stages to the Prophet Muhammad over 23 years. It is a duty for Muslims to read the Qur’an daily

5 The five most important parts to Muslim worship are called the FIVE PILLARS OF ISLAM. Imagine these to be five pillars which hold up the ‘building’ of Islam

6 The simplest form of Muslim beliefs is summarised in the Declaration of Faith (pictured): "There is no god but Allah, and Muhammad is the messenger of Allah". These words are whispered into the ear of a new born baby e/clips/muhamm ad-the-final- prophet/ ml

7 Muslims are supposed to pray five times a day either in the mosque or on a prayer mat or clean place. The times are set throughout the day.

8 Muslims are supposed to give 2.5% of their yearly income to charity to help the poor and is seen as an offering to Allah. All Muslims who have some savings must give zakah or it would be seen as cheating Allah slims-and-charity/3292.html

9 During the month of Ramadan Muslims are supposed to ‘fast’ during daylight hours which means no food is to be eaten during this time. It helps remind Muslims about both poverty and self sacrifice, and try to live good lives

10 Muslims must make a special visit at least once in their life to the city of Mecca in Saudi Arabia. Here they visit the Kaba which is a holy shrine in the great mosque

11 What sacrifices do these young Muslims have to make to follow their religion of Islam?

12 Design a poster on a full page of your book which tells people about the Five Pillars of Islam. The poster can have a mixture of pictures and writing. Use the text provided for your information. What is it like to belong to Islam? When complete explain in about 10 lines why Muslims set themselves these duties and explain which ones would be hardest to follow.

13 The belief that Allah is the one and only God and that Muhammad is his messenger To pray five times a day To give 2.5% of your wealth to charity each year To not eat during daylight hours during the month of Ramadan To visit the city of Makkah once in their lifetime to see the Ka’ba shrine

14 You are to use this writing frame to complete a detailed research into belonging to Islam. It must be done onto A4 paper and you can use any of our textbooks, library books, internet and software to help you. Work must also be done at home.

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