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Outside Spend Team - Update to the Staff Advisory Council August 14, 2014 1.

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1 Outside Spend Team - Update to the Staff Advisory Council August 14, 2014 1

2 2 Creighton is committed to student success through a powerful Jesuit education built on academic excellence, social justice and personal growth. The University will be able to flourish and grow in its aspirations by making strategic decisions that will help it adapt to the demands of the higher education marketplace and remain true to its Jesuit mission. One Creighton – University strategy drives outside spend efficiencies

3 Why do we care about outside spend? To ensure that Creighton remains a healthy and vibrant university it is imperative that we strategically plan for the future and implement cost effective behavior. To establish and maintain efficient operations, the outside spend project is designed to help Creighton have the funds it needs to invest in its future through:  People  Fundraising  Marketing  Research  Academic programs Cost savings required to fund the investments: $25 million by FY17 3

4 Strategic Plan - Operations Initiative Outside Spend – Project Plan  Data collection – how are we spending $ today  Develop strategy for all large vendor contracts  Reduce off contract spend  Reduce discretionary spending – policy, price, training  Cross campus outside spend team to review data & make recommendations to President’s Council  Cross campus outside spend team to lead subteams to facilitate problem-solving, engagement & implementation 4

5 Progress to Date: Cost savings Goal FY 15-17 $25 Million $9M FY15 goal $4.8 million of savings achieved as of 7-31-14

6 Feedback Session with Staff Invited approximately 150 staff to attend information sharing & feedback sessions in late May Asked for feedback about ideas presented: - Barriers to success & ways to overcome - Other ideas for savings 6

7 Initiatives Discussed Large vendor & buildings/grounds maintenance RFPs Utilities review & investment prioritization Decrease off contract purchases Small $ Order consolidation 7

8 Initiatives Discussed Developing Guidelines/Processes/Helpful Hints for Expense Categories: – Maintenance supplies – Printing – Computer hardware & software – Research & lab supplies – Cell phones – Travel – Catering – Subscriptions, books – Flowers, coffee, water 8

9 Feedback Received from Staff More communication, clear guidelines & policies, identify points of contact for questions - working on communication plan for fall semester - developing an administrative assistant email distribution list More training on CUBuyPlus, printing, travel tool, etc. - expanded CUBuyPlus users group sessions to all users - printing helpful hints email in development - working with Travel & Transport on travel tool training sessions Provide list of common items purchased & preferred vendors Catering concerns - $50 minimum for delivery; rationale for cost of soda, water on campus vs. lower cost off campus - planning for discussions with Sodexo - address in communication plan 9

10 Next Steps Prepare communications for fall & ongoing Work on feedback items from staff Develop reporting to track progress by category Schedule quarterly administrative staff discussion sessions 10


12 NOTE: FY15 cost savings goal of $9M represents 3% of total FY14 budgeted operating expenses.

13 Breakdown of Non-Capital Expense by Category ($Thousands)

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