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Preparation for First Communion. Theme 1 Community of Faith When people gather together because of shared attitudes, beliefs and interests When people.

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1 Preparation for First Communion

2 Theme 1 Community of Faith When people gather together because of shared attitudes, beliefs and interests When people come together to share experiences, listen and support one another, the community is strengthened and can flourish. Our children gather together to receive the Eucharist, not just as individuals, but as a community. The church building is a sacred place but the people who gather there make the community of faith

3 Example of Home Activities Take some photos of your church Create 3 questions you would like to ask your parish priest. ? ? ? God our Father, we thank you for all the communities we are part of & that make us feel so welcome.

4 Theme 2 The Sacraments 7 Sacraments Sacraments of Initiation Share your experiences of the Sacraments The Eucharist is an act of reconciliation with others and God. We are learning about… Sacrament of Reconciliation “ I know the importance of participation in the Sacrament of Penance which helps me to receive the Sacrament of Eucharist more worthily”

5 Theme 3 Journey of Faith Children hear and read the word of God Treat the Holy Bible with reverence and respect. Reflect upon many Old and New Testament narratives. We must listen to the Liturgy of the word so that we know what God is saying to us “ Not to go to Communion is like someone dying of thirst beside a spring.” St. John Vianney

6 Theme 4 The Last Supper Eucharist-Greek-”giving thanks” Encourage children to be thankful for life. To recall what others do for them The Mass is a prayer of thanksgiving. The bread and wine are symbols of spiritual nourishment “Do this in memory of me.”

7 Theme 5 Holy Communion Passover story Events of Holy Week Familiar with the Parish and sacred parts of the church The Consecration is the central focus of the Mass

8 Theme 6 Liturgy of the Word Importance of listening/ being listened to We must listen to what God is saying to us in the readings and what He is asking us to do We must act upon the message of the Gospel We listen to the Word of God. We follow the message of God in our daily lives.

9 Theme 7 Liturgy of the Eucharist Risen Jesus is truly present in the Eucharist Offer our acts of love and our efforts as followers of Jesus Christ’s body, given for us. We must be faithful to going to Mass. We acknowledge our commitment to share with those who are without.

10 Theme 8 After First Communion “It is in listening to Jesus’ word, in nourishing ourselves with His Body and His Blood that He moves us on from being a crowd to being a community, from anonymity to communion.” Pope Francis The activities and prayers in the Family Workbook aim to create, in Pope Francis’ words, community and communion in the heart of your home. The journey of faith never comes to an end; may you continue to travel in faith, hope and in love.

11 “This Is Our Faith” Core Learning “I know that the seven Sacraments make us Holy and strengthen our faith” “ I understand that when I receive the Eucharist I am united to Jesus in a most special and wonderful way.”

12 Website for Parents

13 Attitudes and Human Values Acting together as a community The capacity to listen To forgive To ask forgiveness Express gratitude Friendship and celebration Be faithful to attending Mass

14 Things to remember Enrolment Service - Sunday 15 th February – 11.30am – St. Mary’s Church First Communion-Saturday,16 th May–11am – St. Mary’s Church School uniform to be worn at Enrolment Service

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