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Department of E lectronic E ngineering, N otional C hin-Yi U niversity of T echnology Introduction to Verilog HDL Ping-Liang Lai ( 賴秉樑 ) VLSI Testing 積體電路測試.

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Presentation on theme: "Department of E lectronic E ngineering, N otional C hin-Yi U niversity of T echnology Introduction to Verilog HDL Ping-Liang Lai ( 賴秉樑 ) VLSI Testing 積體電路測試."— Presentation transcript:

1 Department of E lectronic E ngineering, N otional C hin-Yi U niversity of T echnology Introduction to Verilog HDL Ping-Liang Lai ( 賴秉樑 ) VLSI Testing 積體電路測試

2 P.L.Lai, VLSI Testing 2009 Appendix 1-2 Outline Introduction Modules and Instance Design Block and Stimulus Block Four Levels of Abstraction  Gate-Level Modeling  Dataflow Modeling  Behavioral Modeling  Switch-Level Modeling Lexical Conventions

3 P.L.Lai, VLSI Testing 2009 Appendix 1-3 Introduction Hardware description language Mixed level modeling Single language for design and simulation Built-in primitives, logic function User-defined primitives Built-in data types High-level programming constructs

4 P.L.Lai, VLSI Testing 2009 Appendix 1-4 Modules A module can be an element or a collection of lower-level design block module ( ) … … endmodule module T_FF (q, clk, reset); … … endmodule Syntax: Example:

5 P.L.Lai, VLSI Testing 2009 Appendix 1-5 Instances // Define the top-level module called ripple carry counter. It // instantiates 4 T-flipflops. module ripple_carry_counter (q, clk, reset) output [3:0] q;// I/O signals and vector declarations input clk, reset; // I/O signals T_FF tff0 (q[0], clk, reset); T_FF tff1 (q[1], q[0], reset); T_FF tff3 (q[2], q[1], reset); T_FF tff4 (q[3], q[2], reset); endmodule module T_FF (q, clk, reset); output q; input clk, reset; wire d; D_FF dff0 (q, d, clk, reset);// Instantiate D_FF. Call it dff0. not n1 (d, q);// not gate is a Verilog primitive. endmodule

6 P.L.Lai, VLSI Testing 2009 Appendix 1-6 4-bit Ripple Carry Counter q0q1 q2 q3 clock reset T_FF qqqq Ripple Carry Counter clock T_FF D_FF q q d reset ckqnqn+1 1*10 1*00 0↓01 0↓10

7 P.L.Lai, VLSI Testing 2009 Appendix 1-7 Design Block and Stimulus Block Two styles of stimulus application  Stimulus block instantiates design block  Dummy top-level module d_clk d_reset c_q clk reset q Top-Level Block Stimulus Block Design Block clk reset q (Stimulus block) Design Block Fig. 1. Stimulus block instantiates design block Fig. 2. Stimulus and design blocks instantiated in a Dummy top-level module

8 P.L.Lai, VLSI Testing 2009 Appendix 1-8 Design Block module ripple_carry_counter (q, clk, reset); output [3:0] q; input clk, reset; T_FF tff0 (q[0], clk, reset); T_FF tff1 (q[1], q[0], reset); T_FF tff3 (q[2], q[1], reset); T_FF tff4 (q[3], q[2], reset); endmodule module T_FF (q, clk, reset); output q; input clk, reset; wire d; D_FF dff0 (q, d, clk, reset); not n1 (d, q); endmodule module D_FF (q, d, clk, reset); output q; input d; input clk; input reset; reg q; always @ (posedge reset or negedge clk) if (reset) q = 1'b0; else q = d; endmodule Example: Ripple Carry Counter Top Block Flip-flop T_FF Flip-flop D_FF

9 P.L.Lai, VLSI Testing 2009 Appendix 1-9 Stimulus Block module rcc_testbench; reg clk; reg reset; wire [3:0] q; ripple_carry_counter r1 (q, clk, reset); initial clk = 1'b0; always #5 clk = ~clk; initial begin reset = 1'b1; #15 reset = 1'b0; #180 reset = 1'b1; #10 reset = 1'b0; #20 $finish; end initial $monitor($time, "Output q = %d", q); endmodule

10 P.L.Lai, VLSI Testing 2009 Appendix 1-10 Four Levels of Abstraction Behavioral level  只考慮模組中的功能和函數,不必考慮硬體的特性,如同是在寫 C語言一樣 Dataflow level  說明資料如何在暫存器中儲存和傳送,和資料處理的方式 Gate level  模組是由Logic gates所構成的,使用Logic gates來設計電路 Switch level  最低層次,設計者需知道電晶體的元件特性

11 P.L.Lai, VLSI Testing 2009 Appendix 1-11 Gate level

12 P.L.Lai, VLSI Testing 2009 Appendix 1-12 Behavioral module Beh_AND ( in1, in2, Out) input in1, in2 ; output Out ; reg Out ; always @ ( in1 or in2 ) begin Out = in1 & in2 end endmodule

13 P.L.Lai, VLSI Testing 2009 Appendix 1-13 Data Flow module DF_AND ( in1, in2, Out) input in1, in2 ; output Out ; wrie Out ; assign Out = in1 & in2 ; endmodule

14 P.L.Lai, VLSI Testing 2009 Appendix 1-14 四種準位數值 0 1 X : 不確定 Z : 高阻抗

15 P.L.Lai, VLSI Testing 2009 Appendix 1-15 Operators (1/3) Binary Operator  ~ NOT  & AND  | OR  ^ XOR  ~^ XNOR Example  a= ~ b ; // not » If b= 4’b0010, then a= 4’b1101  a= b & c; // and » If b= 4’b0011, c=4’b1010, then a= 4’b0010

16 P.L.Lai, VLSI Testing 2009 Appendix 1-16 Operators (2/3) Example  a= b | c; // or » If b= 4’b0011, c= 4’b1010, then a= 4’b1011  a= b ^ c; // and » If b= 4’b0011, c= 4’b1010, then a= 4’b1001

17 P.L.Lai, VLSI Testing 2009 Appendix 1-17 Operators (3/3) Unary operator  a=~b; Ternary operator  a=b ? c : d;

18 P.L.Lai, VLSI Testing 2009 Appendix 1-18 常用敘述 assign  驅動某個值到 wire, wand, wor,tri  用於資料處理模型 Data Flow Model Always  可隨時監督外界輸出入port,訊號有變化時即告訴模組內部配合相對應的 工作 wire a,b, c; // 宣告三個接線型態的變數 assign a= b & c; // a = b and c always @(a or b) begin f=a&b&c; end

19 P.L.Lai, VLSI Testing 2009 Appendix 1-19 常用敘述 always example // posedge 正緣觸發 always @ (posedge clock) begin … end // negedge 負緣觸發 always @ (negedge clock) begin … end

20 P.L.Lai, VLSI Testing 2009 Appendix 1-20 常用敘述 wire  接線是連接硬體元件之連接線  接線必須被驅動才能改變它內函值  內定為一個位元值 z reg  暫存器  功能與變數很像,可以給定一個數值,主要功能在保持住電路中某 個值,不必像(wire)要被驅動才能改變它的內函值  內定為一個位元值 x

21 P.L.Lai, VLSI Testing 2009 Appendix 1-21 選用wire 或 reg 時機 wire 必須配合 assign 來使用,且不能出現在always區塊 描述裡 reg 必須放在always區塊描述裡 wire a, b, c; assign a&c; input [3:0] a, b; output [3:0] c; reg [3:0] c; always @ (a or b) begin c=a+b; end

22 P.L.Lai, VLSI Testing 2009 Appendix 1-22 基本單位-port 與module外部的信號溝通 分為輸出(output) 、輸入(input)、雙向(inout) 如果你只有宣告input, output, inout則將被視為是wire的型態。 如果想要維持信號到下一個clock,則需要宣告成reg的型態(序向邏 輯電路會用到)  Example Vector (向量)  wire和reg皆可宣告成向量  Example output q; reg q;//這樣才可以儲存資料 wire [7:0] a; //8-bit a變數 reg [40:0] address; //41-bit address變數

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