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FAD Simon J. Kenyon Ross University. Learning Objectives Understand the global context of FADs and their importance Recognize the clinical signs of important.

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Presentation on theme: "FAD Simon J. Kenyon Ross University. Learning Objectives Understand the global context of FADs and their importance Recognize the clinical signs of important."— Presentation transcript:

1 FAD Simon J. Kenyon Ross University

2 Learning Objectives Understand the global context of FADs and their importance Recognize the clinical signs of important FADs Know what to do if you encounter an unusual disease that is possibly and FAD


4 FAD Myths FADs are a problem for large animal veterinarians FADs look like the pictures USDA/APHIS/VS doesn’t like false alarms It can’t happen to me

5 Jan - Jan 2010 - 2011




9 Some recent cases Screwworm, Sept 2007, Mississippi Avian Influenza HPAI, 2004 - H5N2 Texas, H7N3 British Columbia Exotic Newcastle Disease 2003 – California, Texas BSE, 2003 - 2007 – imported and US bred cattle Monkey Pox, multi-state, June 2003 Bluetongue – Montana, Wyoming 2007

10 Monkey Pox Imported Gambian Giant Rat Prairie Dogs Humans


12 Screwworm Image from “The Gray Book”, University of Georgia

13 Screwworm Screwworm - Third instar larvae, Cochliomyia hominivorax

14 Recent Outbreaks Exotic Newcastle Disease – California 2002-2003 Moynihan Report on Collaborative Networks, 2005 “On average 40 new employees joined the task force daily”



17 Opportunities for Veterinarians Initial Accreditation Training Course USDA/APHIS/VS and State Animal Health Depts. Animal Surveillance Emergency Response Teams (ASERT) Purdue’s Graduate Certificate Program in Veterinary Homeland Security

18 FMD - Cattle

19 Vesicles or blisters on tongue, dental pad, or teats

20 FMD

21 Hogs and other species – vesicles on coronary band

22 Hog - Vesicle on snout

23 Clinical Comparisons: Snouts Swine Vesicular Disease Vesicular Stomatitis Foot and Mouth Disease Vesicular Exanthema

24 FMD

25 Swine Vesicular Disease

26 Sheep – disease may be very mild





31 Public Information

32 FMD Issues Early Diagnosis Time from diagnosis to slaughter Models Vaccination Carcass disposal Societal change

33 North Carolina Live Animal Shipments Swine Goats Sheep and Lambs Poultry Beef Cattle Dairy Cattle Canada Mexico South America Canada Mexico Live animals are shipped to a total of 27 states, Puerto Rico, Mexico, Canada and South America! Puerto Rico

34 Diff. Diagnosis of Vesicular Dis. CattleSheepSwineHorse FMDSSSR Vesicular stomatitisSSSS Vesicular Exanthema of Swine RRSR Swine Vesicular Disease RRSR


36 Airborne Spread? “O Lausanne 1965 ”

37 National Animal Health Laboratories Network (NAHLN) 2003

38 Proposed Biosafety Level 4 sites Flora, Mississippi Athens, Georgia San Antonio, Texas Butner, North Carolina Manhattan, Kansas

39 African Horse Sickness






45 Low Pathogenicity (LPAI) High Pathogenicity (HPAI) Avian influenza Natural Host: Waterfowl (ducks, geese etc.) Domestic species affected –Chickens, ducks, geese, turkeys, guinea fowl, quail and pheasant –Some pet birds

46 16 H (hemagglutinin antigens) and 9 N (neuraminidase antigens) All subtypes can be found in birds, but only subtypes H5 and H7 have caused severe outbreaks of disease in birds Type A Influenza

47 Avian Influenza

48 Symptoms of HPAI A lot of birds affected –Dead birds –Very sick birds –Coughing and sneezing –Swollen combs and wattles –Discolored and swollen joints –Diarrhea

49 Avian Influenza

50 Cyanotic Comb


52 Avian Influenza H5N1

53 H5N1 - WHO mortality stats January 13 2011

54 Avian Influenza and the U.S. Could enter as:  A bird disease  A human disease




58 VVND Edema and hemorrhage of the head esp. eyelids

59 VVND Hemorrhages in proventriculus

60 VVND Necrosis of cecal tonsil and Peyer’s patches

61 African Swine Fever Reddening of ears and skin (non-specific)

62 African Swine Fever Enlarged dark red or black spleen. Note kidney

63 African Swine Fever Hemorrhagic gastro-hepatic lymph nodes

64 African Swine Fever Enlarged, hemorrhagic peri-renal lymph nodes

65 Hog Cholera Conjunctivitis and exudate at medial canthus

66 Hog Cholera Tonsillar necrosis

67 Hog Cholera Splenic infarcts

68 Hog Cholera Petechial hemorrhages in renal cortex

69 Rinderpest

70 BVD

71 EHD in a cow

72 Bluetongue EHD

73 Rinderpest Necrosis of Peyer’s patches

74 Rinderpest Zebra stripe hemorrhages of colonic mucosa

75 Peste des Petits Ruminants Zebra stripe hemorrhages of colonic mucosa - goat

76 Stomatitis-Enteritis Case Definition Ocular Discharge Nasal Discharge And Fever Oral Erosions/Lesions Salivation Corneal Opacity Diarrhea Death Outbreaks of contagious disease exhibiting discharge (ocular and nasal) and any two of the above-mentioned symptoms should be reported as stomatitis-enteritis outbreaks. Note that it is the outbreak that must meet the case definition, not individual animals. The stomatitis-enteritis case definition is used to ensure that all case that could be Rinderpest are investigated

77 How to Do the Gel Diffusion Test for Rinderpest

78 Rinderpest 1980’s Rinderpest 2003

79 Contagious Bovine Pleuropneumonia



82 Malignant Catarrhal Fever


84 Cutaneous lymphosarcoma

85 Lumpy Skin Disease

86 Lumpy skin disease massive lymphadenopathy and edema of the forelimb is common

87 Lumpy Skin Disease

88 From: The Gray Book Sheep pox lesions on underside of tail of a sheep

89 Recovered case of lumpy skin disease. The scars are called “sitfasts”

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