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Developing quality across the third sector Juliet Mountford, Deputy Director 02 July 2008.

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1 Developing quality across the third sector Juliet Mountford, Deputy Director 02 July 2008

2 What is the third sector? Organisations in the sector share common characteristics: non-governmental value-driven principally reinvest any financial surpluses to further social, environmental or cultural objectives. Voluntary and community organisations, charities, social enterprises, cooperatives and mutuals both large and small

3 Complex and diverse (1) Community owned, working across all sectors Aim – improve health inequity and wellbeing through social, medical and community activities Space for groups to use, café, radio station, recording studio, gardening Peter Holbrook – SE Ambassador Sunlight Trust – social enterprise

4 Complex and diverse (2) Works inside schools to support and nurture children 1:1 counselling and group sessions, drop in service Provide safe place for children to explore their problems enabling them to cope Support parents, carers, teachers and other school staff working with children Currently working with 128 schools with child population of 40,000 The Place2Be - charity

5 Quality in the third sector Do we need to measure quality? What do we mean by quality?

6 Measure how well money spent? New Philanthropy Capital argument - If getting public money should show what outcomes producing with it - Need a new body to monitor how effective TSOs are - Individuals and funders can then make informed decisions about where money goes Oxfam – 10p in every £1 on support and running costs

7 More complex than this Can all outcomes be measured? e.g. : PETAL (People Experiencing Trauma and Loss); Mothers against Guns

8 Heard in consultation Third Sector Review consultation – heard many of these issues Particular problems in quality: - Much of the evidence is in grey literature (e.g. NPC, NEF, CES) - No single repository for evidence - Lots of different methods being used - No cross learning

9 OTS driving this forward Commitment to invest in improving the evidence base - Centre for Third Sector Research (with ESRC and Barrow Cadbury Trust) - Centre for Charitable Giving and Philanthropy (ESRC, Carnegie, Scot Exec) - 2 indicators in Local Government Performance Framework (NI6 and NI7) - National Survey of Third Sector Organisations - SROI project/social clause pilots - ONS ISB project – Quality Measurement Framework - NAO vfm considerations

10 Centre for Third Sector Research OTS/ESRC/Barrow Cadbury Trust £10.25 million over 5 years Single centre Emphasis on the effectiveness of the sector Plus mapping its size and dynamics A Centre for the Whole sector Multidisciplinary (inc. business) Supporting Capacity Building Clusters will bring forward the next generation of researchers and engage the sector in research

11 Conclusions Third Sector is diverse – is it too diverse? Evidence base is weak at present, but a number of initiatives in place to increase it Effectiveness and quality are central to the sector – finding ways to properly measure this vital so the contribution the third sector makes to society can continue to grow

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