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Creating a Top 20 Experience. How’d Ya Do? Creating a Top 20 Experience Jody Redman and Paul Bernabei.

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Presentation on theme: "Creating a Top 20 Experience. How’d Ya Do? Creating a Top 20 Experience Jody Redman and Paul Bernabei."— Presentation transcript:

1 Creating a Top 20 Experience

2 How’d Ya Do? Creating a Top 20 Experience Jody Redman and Paul Bernabei

3 Creating a Top 20 Experience POTENTIALPOTENTIAL Bottom 80’s Top 20’s

4 A Generation on the Sidelines Bob Shaw St. Paul Pioneer Press March 22, 2009

5 A Generation on the Sidelines Bob Shaw St. Paul Pioneer Press March 22, 2009 “Once a rite of passage, playing school sports is becoming a thing of the past for many Minnesota kids. Today’s athletics eat up too much time and money and, for many youth, they aren’t even much fun anymore.

6 Like a marathon runner with a leg cramp, school athletics are hitting a wall. A study by the Pioneer Press shows that the percentage of Minnesota boys and girls who participate in school-sponsored sports has dropped by more than half in one generation.”

7 How’d Ya Do?

8 1. Did you win or lose?

9 Winning Bonding Strive for bigger things Confidence

10 Winning Pressure to win at all cost Worth comes from achievement

11 Losing Bonding Perspective Humble Highlight areas of improvement

12 Losing Damage self-confidence Reluctance to try -- withdraw Stuck in comfort zone – fear of taking healthy risks

13 3 Options Show up -- Win Show up -- Lose Don’t show up

14 "It is not the critic who counts: not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles or where the doer of deeds could have done better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood, who strives valiantly, who errs and comes up short again and again, because there is no effort without error or shortcoming, but who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotions, who spends himself for a worthy cause; who, at the best, knows, in the end, the triumph of high achievement, and who, at the worst, if he fails, at least he fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who knew neither victory nor defeat.” - Theodore Roosevelt

15 How’d Ya Do? 1. Did you win or lose? 2. Did you have fun?

16 Remember the Titans “Zero fun, sir.”


18 How’d Ya Do? 1. Did you win or lose? 2. Did you have fun? 3. Did you learn anything?

19 How’d Ya Do? 1. Did you win or lose? 2. Did you have fun? 3. Did you learn anything? 4. Did you improve since last time?

20 How’d Ya Do? 1. Did you win or lose? 2. Did you have fun? 3. Did you learn anything? 4. Did you improve since last time? 5. Did you help a teammate succeed?

21 Jenny “Aim for service and success will follow.” Albert Schweitzer

22 How’d Ya Do? 1. Did you win or lose? 2. Did you have fun? 3. Did you learn anything? 4. Did you improve since last time? 5. Did you help a teammate succeed? 6. Did you conduct yourself well?

23 How’d Ya Do? 1. Did you win or lose? 2. Did you have fun? 3. Did you learn anything? 4. Did you improve since last time? 5. Did you help a teammate succeed? 6. Did you conduct yourself well? 7. Did you do your best?


25 Friday Night Lights “Being perfect is not about that scoreboard out there. It’s not about winning….Being perfect is about being able to look your friends in the eye and know that you didn’t let them down because you told them the truth. And the truth is that you did everything you could…”

26 Mirror Test

27 8. Did you appreciate anything about your opponent?


29 Coach Carter “You have to humiliate your opponent….What gives you the right to take the game that I love with trash talk and taunting?”

30 How’d Ya Do? 1. Did you win or lose? 2. Did you have fun? 3. Did you learn anything? 4. Did you improve since last time? 5. Did you help a teammate succeed? 6. Did you conduct yourself well? 7. Did you do your best? 8. Did you appreciate anything about your opponent? 9. Did you develop any Star Qualities?

31 Star Qualities Self-confident: believing in myself, my abilities Risk-taking: taking the difficult road to expand my Comfort Zone Self-Motivated: getting myself started Responsible: being dependable; someone others can count on Self-Disciplined: taking control of myself Flexibility: adapting to change and the stress created by it Toughness: dealing with adversity, when things aren’t going my way Courageous: responding in spite of fear or lack of confidence Commitment: putting forth my full effort Focus: keeping my attention on the task or goal Persistent: sticking with the job until it is finished Patience: realizing that success often doesn’t come easily

32 Star Qualities are the Hidden Curriculum: – Wrestling, Band = commitment, self-motivation

33 ‘Getting-through-life’ Star Qualities 1. Asking for help 2. Dealing with DFLIs and Dwannas DFLIs = Don’t Feel Like It Dwanna = Don’t want to

34 Negative Mental Habits NMH’s Star Qualities

35 Negative Mental Habits Roadblocks to success, potential The “anti-Star Qualities” -Self doubt -Apathetic -Judgmental -Angry -Sarcastic -Boredom -Procrastination -Irresponsible -Unreliable -Hopeless -Pessimistic -Worried -Anxious -Jealous

36 Renaming my sport: Sport Name: ______________ Star Quality: ______________

37 How’d Ya Do? 1. Did you win or lose? 2. Did you have fun? 3. Did you learn anything? 4. Did you improve since last time? 5. Did you help a teammate succeed? 6. Did you conduct yourself well? 7. Did you do your best? 8. Did you appreciate anything about your opponent? 9. Did you develop any Star Qualities?

38 Which are most important for life? Top 3

39 How’d the Coach Do? 1. Did you win or lose? 2. Did you have fun? 3. Did you learn anything? 4. Did you improve since last time? 5. Did you help someone succeed? 6. Did you conduct yourself well? 7. Did you do your best? 8. Did you appreciate anything about your opponent? 9. Did you develop any Star Qualities?

40 Regarding this season, how will we (players and coaches) measure how we did?

41 What did you become aware of during this session that will be useful to you during your next season?

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