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McApple University Wesley Armstrong, Julia Edwards, Amy Mauk, & Melissa Wolter.

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1 McApple University Wesley Armstrong, Julia Edwards, Amy Mauk, & Melissa Wolter

2 Year Of the Computer How does technology affect the relationship between students and student affairs professionals? What technology will assist the student with the Institution’s Mission in mind? Where do technological modifications need to be made for student safety?

3 Top Five Overview 1 Emergency Alert System 2 Social Networking – A.S.A.P 3 Rising Cost of Computers 4 Green Card Technology 5 Lack of Social Skills due to Technology

4 Key Issue 1: Emergency Alert System In the event of a crisis event on campus an email or text message is sent to all students with instructions of what to do and where to go

5 What are the benefits? Emergency Alert System Gives students immediate information and keeps them informed of campus events Can prevent an event from quickly escalating Prevents speculation and unnecessary panic from occurring The ability to immediately reach students

6 The influence of the Clery Act Emergency Alert Systems Established in 1990 before the era of text messaging It requires only a timely warning It is sometimes unclear about what to report, campus Police departments could be sending messages every day Basically, students have a right to know about any threats to their safety on campus

7 What are the Areas for Improvement? Emergency Alert System As most systems can only send 2000 texts per minute (Hoover and Lipka 2007) it can take too long to for large campuses of 30,000 or more to reach all their students If the event occurs at night, students may not read any alerts before going to class If authorities wait too long to send the alert it has less of an impact on students Authorities are often unclear about when and how to send alerts Unclear institutional guidelines Students have to voluntarily sign up online

8 Recent Applications Emergency Alert Systems According to the Chronicle of Higher Education: “Rice University used its text-and voice-alert system for the first time in August when the tail end of tropical storm Erin flooded the campus and surrounding streets, bringing traffic around Houston to a halt. The university sent out a cell phone message that within 30 minutes was received by 7000 students and faculty and staff members” “This fall Delaware State University earned praise for its quick response to a shooting on campus. Police there received a call at 12:54am on a Friday and began posting fliers in residence halls-headlined “Timely Warning Notification” in large boldface-at 12:01am. Meanwhile, resident assistants in the dormitories closest to the site of the shooting were knocking on students’ doors” “Virginia Tech was criticized for failing to promptly warn students and others on the campus about the presence of a gunman on campus after he murdered two students on April 16 th. A few hours later he killed 30 people and wounded 17 more before killing himself”

9 How does this relate to McApple College? Emergency Alert Systems We would have to highly publicize the online sign up process to students Messages must be short and concise Would we use text or email messages or both? We would need to have specific guidelines to follow, such as: The alert must be sent within 15 minutes of the event The alert must be sent for every instance of certain types of events: fires, muggings etc.

10 Key Issue 2: Social Networking – A.S.A.P. “Never leave an event with out giving someone your card.” Alex Strauss Career Center has started a online program which is designed to help students create networking opportunities with McApple Alumni. This program is named: mcApple Student Alumni Portal (A.S.A.P.) The portal allows students to have a connection to: Alumni, student groups, other students, and current internship opportunities.

11 What are the benefits? Social Networking – A.S.A.P. Benefits for Students A safe online site A place to ask about academic major Positive way to learn about their future career Ability to connect with Alumni Potential interviews Increase social activity Benefits for Student Affairs Easy advertising for college events Connection to students All departments have a direct link into A.S.A.P. Ability to target students in their room

12 What are the areas for improvement? Social Networking – A.S.A.P. Creates motivation to stay home Increases involvement with all students, but seniors and juniors will take full advantage New program to have freshmen create an account during Summer Orientation

13 Key Issue 3: Rising Cost of Computers Upgrading computers and aging hardware is a major issue if McApple College desires to be the foremost Institution of Technology “Finding donors to repair utilities or make upgrades is a hard sell.” (Banning/Kenney) How can we keep up to date with Technology and control cost???

14 What are the costs? Rising Cost of Computers Campus Needs To keep costs low Satisfy student’s needs Remain competitive with other institutions Incorporate new innovation in to existing programs Student’s Needs Wireless campus Quick internet connection Access to student accounts Academic resources

15 What are some solutions? Rising Cost of Computers Provide students with scholarship opportunities to assist students with the cost of purchasing a computer For example: Indiana State University’s laptop initiative Agreements with technology companies to provide students with large discounts on computers with proof of enrollment Writing and securing grants to help fund the cost of computers for students

16 Key Issue 4: Green Card Technology What is Green Card Technology? Student ID cards with magnetic strip on the back specific to McApple College Allows access to residence halls, specialized classrooms, elevators, and parking lots Ability to purchase food (including cafeterias and vending machines), books, laundry services, health services, and more Ability to track student transactions

17 What are the benefits? Green Card Technology Student Benefits Always have a form of identification on their person Eliminates need to carry cash Increases sense of safety University benefits Able to track where student has been and programs attended Limit access to buildings, elevators, and parking lots

18 What are the Areas for Improvement? Green Card Technology Battery back-ups could fail during power outages If a student does not realize their card is lost security could be compromised Magnetic strip could deactivate not during business hours If there is a mistake in the account information Example case: Purdue January 1 st, 2000

19 Key Issue 5: Lack of Social Skills due to Technology There is a growing divide between social interaction and social skills due to increased use of technology Students feel anxious when they do not have access to technology Students would rather communicate with others through technology rather than face-to-face

20 What are the concerns? Lack of Social Skills due to Technology Concerns for the student Lack interpersonal skills to interview and interact with people Lack the ability to solve conflict face-to-face Lack of confidence without technology Concerns for the University Unqualified graduates Decreased student involvement on campus Higher demand for the newest technology on campus More challenging to work with students due to lack of interpersonal skills

21 What are some solutions? Lack of Social Skills due to Technology Using programs like A.S.A.P that appeal to a student’s desire to use technology in order to improve networking and interpersonal skills Use programming that uses technology to show the short-comings associated with those technologies (Wagner) Advertise programming through technology that students use For example: Facebook groups for campus events

22 What Have We Learned? Technology is a growing fixture of institutions (Strange & Banning) Institutions must find the balance between technology and personal interactions Institutions must remain competitive in the technological world in order to best serve the students (Solnik)

23 References Blimling, G. S. & Whitt E. J. (1999). Good Practice in Student Affairs: Principles to Foster Student Learning. Jossey-Bass. San-Francisco. Blum, D. E. (2005). Do-It-All Campus ID Cards: Too Corporate? Chronicle of Higher Education. 51(21), p.B13- B14. Coleman, J. K.& Little, S.D. & Lester A. (2006). Connecting Services to Student: New Technology and Implications for Student Affairs. College Student Affairs Journal. 25(2). 220- 229. Foster, A. (2007). After Va. Tech, campuses rush to add alert systems. The chronicle of Higher Education. 54(6), 3-3. Hoover, E., & Lipka, S. (2007). Colleges weigh when to alert students of danger. The Chronicle of Higher Education. 54(15), 1.

24 References Kenney, D. R., Dumont, R. & Kenney, G. (2005). Mission and Place: Strengthening Learning and Community through Campus Design. Westport, CT: Praeger Publications. Perkins, B. (2008). The Pitfalls of Social Netorking. Computerworld. February Solnik, C. (2004). Higher education costs expected to get higher. Long Island Business News Strange, C. C., & Banning, J. H. (2001). Education by Design. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. Wagner, C. G. (2008). Disconnectivity Demonstrated. The Futurist. March-April 2008

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