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Arkansas Tech University 2011-2021 Continuous Improvement Plan Office of Assessment and Institutional Effectiveness Needs Assessment Prioritize Goals &

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Presentation on theme: "Arkansas Tech University 2011-2021 Continuous Improvement Plan Office of Assessment and Institutional Effectiveness Needs Assessment Prioritize Goals &"— Presentation transcript:

1 Arkansas Tech University 2011-2021 Continuous Improvement Plan Office of Assessment and Institutional Effectiveness Needs Assessment Prioritize Goals & Objectives Desired Achievement Step 1 Assess/Reassess Plan Activity Assessment Design Determine Methodology Step 2 Implement Implement Change Modify and Repeat Terminate and Develop New Plan Step 3 Evaluate/Action

2 Continuous Improvement Plan  Academic Programs and Courses 110 Academic Programs Associate, Bachelors, and Masters degrees 25% complete assessment evidence. 15% partially complete 60% no assessment evidence for 2012-2013 40 General Education Courses 43% have complete assessment evidence 5% partially complete 52% no assessment evidence for 2012-2013  University Units 47 University Units 5% complete assessment evidence 7% partially complete 88% no assessment evidence for 2012-2013

3 Continuous Improvement Plan 2013-2014 Office of Assessment and Institutional Effectiveness:  Provide consultation and training for academic faculty, department heads, deans, and university units/offices, program directors, Ozark Campus, and General Education Committee.  Collaborate with the Office of Institutional Research to enhance assessment reporting and evaluation of assessment results in TracDat and Banner CPGEs (Argos Reporting System).  Provide resources to assist in assessment planning, reporting, and continuous improvement action plans.  Provide assessment follow-up and accountability reporting.  Provide on-going communication to all stake holders of assessment policies and changes.  Provide an Assessment Calendar.

4 Continuous Improvement Plan 2013-2014 University Assessment Committee  Develop and Implement an assessment program peer review process and assessment peer review cycle.  Review a sample of completed programs and provide helpful and meaningful suggestions to assist academic programs, student services, and curricular/co- curricular program with assessment process and continuous improvement plan.  Review assessment grants and review policy and procedures annually.  Collaborate with the General Education Committee and review changes and recommendations annually.  Meet monthly to review assessment and continuous improvement progress.

5 Continuous Improvement Plan 2013-2014 General Education Committee:  Develop and Implement an assessment general education program peer review process and assessment peer review cycle.  Review a sample of completed general education CPGEs and provide helpful and meaningful suggestions to assist general education program faculty and departments with assessment process and continuous improvement plan.  Review General Education Curriculum Map and forms to assist with CPGE assessment reporting.  Review General Education Learning Outcomes and complete Civic Involvement Criteria.  Collaborate with the University Assessment Committee and share changes and recommendations annually.

6 Continuous Improvement Plan Questions?

7 Continuous Improvement Plan Contact Information: Monica Varner, Ph.D. Director of Assessment and Institutional Effectiveness Office of Assessment and Institutional Effectiveness and The Center for Teaching and Learning Associate Professor of Sociology Rothwell Hall 454 Office: 479-880-4282

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