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N A T A L I A S O K O L O V A Russian Born Baywatch Babe, Playboy Playmate. 27 Years old. Smart Babe: GPA 3.8.

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1 N A T A L I A S O K O L O V A Russian Born Baywatch Babe, Playboy Playmate. 27 Years old. Smart Babe: GPA 3.8

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Born October 15, 1975, in Moscow, Russia, Natalia comes from a long line of Russian academics. Her grandfather, a former renowned inventor from the former Soviet Union. Her mother, an award-winning scientist, along with her father are both PhD academics. Natalia grew up with the attitude of working hard to achieve your goals and to make the most of every minute. Since intelligence and excellence are in her genes, Natalia was always an excellent student. This gave her the opportunity to travel the world, as she was selected to represent Russia in several competitions and events. She represented Russia in Japan as a Peace Child and she stayed in London for a month where she had the chance to perfect the English skills she already had. Thanks to her stay in London, she won a language competition organized by the Moscow State University. Natalia's ease with the English language came in handy when she was an exchange student in the US, where she studied at Springbrook High School in Maryland, in 1993. Although she greatly enjoyed her stay in the US, it was difficult for her to part with her parents and her dog, Archibald II Von Blue Bobs, or Arik. Graduating with honors, Natalia went on to study at the University of Maryland in Baltimore, at the age of 16. Her studies at the University were cut short when she was in a car accident on Halloween, confining her to life in a wheelchair. With a broken backbone, partial paralysis, numbness, and several dysfunctional internal organs, hopes for recovery looked pretty dim for Natalia. Natalia retuned to University in 1994, but returned to Moscow after a year of physical training at a rehabilitation clinic. Two years later, and finally being able to walk thanks to rehab and a lot of inner strength, Natalia returned to the University of Maryland and her studies in international business and finance. She finally graduated in 1998 with a 3.8 GPA. While in college, Natalia entered the Hawaiian Tropics International Swimwear pageant in Las Vegas, which led to an offer to appear in Play boy. She accepted the offer following graduation and soon after, she moved to Mr. Hefner's mansion in Los Angeles. Natalia knew that this was what she wanted to do. Press Space Bar to Continue After Reading
















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