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Transforms Real-World Data Integrates data into exercise scenarios at Home Station Training, Centers of Excellence and Combat Training Centers Provides.

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Presentation on theme: "Transforms Real-World Data Integrates data into exercise scenarios at Home Station Training, Centers of Excellence and Combat Training Centers Provides."— Presentation transcript:

1 Transforms Real-World Data Integrates data into exercise scenarios at Home Station Training, Centers of Excellence and Combat Training Centers Provides Enriched Staff Training Attack the Network Training Program Advanced Network Analysis and Targeting (ANAT) ISR Topoff Training Data Mining and Integration Course Produces Modeling, Simulation and Gaming Visualizations, gaming scenarios, correlated terrain, and 3-D models based on OE data Smartphone applications Multiplayer online trainer, EDGE Tailors Exercise Design and Support OE tailored to unit’s mission, capabilities, and training objectives Accurate portrayals of OE networks, personalities, and relationships Enables Army Training Brain Enterprise The Training Brain Builds, validates, creates, maintains, and delivers operational environment (OE) context for leader development, education and unit training, as well as capability and concept development efforts What is the TBOC?

2 Weapons Zero Zero military weapons with iron sights as well as scopes. Based on input to replicate shot groups on a zeroing target. The weapons now included in this app are: M16, M4, M249. The scopes included in this app are: ACOG and M68 Reflex scope.

3 PMCS Based on latest HMMWV technical manual. Walks through Before, During, After, Weekly, and Monthly checks. Record and store faults while completing the PMCS process. Review any previous PMCS done on a vehicle using the same device.

4 Platoon Leaders Notebook Track all important information a Platoon Leader would need daily on their soldiers. Build platoon alert roster with one touch calling of squad leaders. Populates built in calendar with automatic reminders about soldier qualifications. Administer personal fitness testing.

5 What’s The Future for TBOC Smart Phone Apps

6 Interface With Existing Military Databases Data Transfer: PT and Marksmanship Records Personal Vitals (height, weight, etc) Rank Scheduled Training Contact Information Data Transfer: Vehicle Faults (Before/During /After) Scheduled Maintenance Status of Parts Ordered Status of Vehicle Repair AOAP Digital Training Management System(DTMS) The Army Maintenance Management System (TAMMS)

7 Simulations Tablets as Simulation Controllers Emulate military equipment on tablet Tablet sends information to larger software program such as EDGE or VBS2 Provides tactile interaction with equipment Reinforces learning with equipment, if improperly used on tablet your equipment will not function in game world

8 Simulations EDGE Lite on Tablets or Phone devices Squad based tactics on Wi-Fi phones run in a trimmed down version of Edge Small scale leader engagements on tablet Enables players without dedicated PC, on travel, or TDY to still engage in Edge Multiplayer on the go

9 Challenges NETCOM security requirements Government vs. Personal Ownership Privacy concerns Platform issues (IOS vs. Android vs. Blackberry)

10 Points of Contact TBOC SIMS Deputy Task Lead Jeff Bittel (757) 223-6501 TBOC SIMS Task Lead Don Fry (757) 223-9592

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