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Fundamentals of Information Systems, Second Edition 1 Telecommunications, the Internet, Intranets, and Extranets Chapter 4.

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Presentation on theme: "Fundamentals of Information Systems, Second Edition 1 Telecommunications, the Internet, Intranets, and Extranets Chapter 4."— Presentation transcript:

1 Fundamentals of Information Systems, Second Edition 1 Telecommunications, the Internet, Intranets, and Extranets Chapter 4

2 Fundamentals of Information Systems, Second Edition 2 Principles and Learning Objectives The effective use of telecommunications and networks can turn a company into an agile, powerful, and creative organization, giving it a long-term competitive advantage. –Define the term telecommunications and identify and describe the function of the components of a telecommunications system. –Identify and briefly describe three basic data processing strategies, including their advantages and disadvantages.

3 Fundamentals of Information Systems, Second Edition 3 Principles and Learning Objectives The Internet is like many other technologies - it provides a wide range of services, some of which are effective and practical for use today; others are still evolving, and still others will fade away from lack of use. –Briefly describe how the Internet works, including alternatives for connecting to it and the role of Internet service providers. –Identify and briefly describe common Internet services.

4 Fundamentals of Information Systems, Second Edition 4 Principles and Learning Objectives Originally developed as a document- management system, the World Wide Web is a menu-based system that is easy to use for personal and business applications. –Describe the World Wide Web and the way it works, including the use of Web browsers, search engines, Java, and other Web tools. –Define the terms intranet and extranet and discuss how organizations are using them. –Identify several control and management issues associated with the use of networks.

5 Fundamentals of Information Systems, Second Edition 5 Elements of a Telecommunications System

6 Fundamentals of Information Systems, Second Edition 6 Media Types

7 Fundamentals of Information Systems, Second Edition 7 Common Wiring and Cabling Types

8 Fundamentals of Information Systems, Second Edition 8 Common Telecommunications Devices

9 Fundamentals of Information Systems, Second Edition 9 Carriers and Services Common carriers Switched lines Digital subscriber lines (DSL)

10 Fundamentals of Information Systems, Second Edition 10 Costs, Advantages, and Disadvantages of Several Line and Service Types

11 Fundamentals of Information Systems, Second Edition 11 Networks and Distributed Processing Computer network - communications media, devices, and software needed to connect two or more computer systems. Centralized processing - processing occurs in a single location or facility. Decentralized processing - processing devices are placed at various locations. Distributed processing - computers are placed at remote locations but are connected to each other via telecommunications devices.

12 Fundamentals of Information Systems, Second Edition 12 Terminal-to-Host Connection

13 Fundamentals of Information Systems, Second Edition 13 File Server Connection

14 Fundamentals of Information Systems, Second Edition 14 Client/Server Connection

15 Fundamentals of Information Systems, Second Edition 15 A Typical LAN

16 Fundamentals of Information Systems, Second Edition 16 A Wide Area Network

17 Fundamentals of Information Systems, Second Edition 17 Connecting Computing Devices Using a Home Network

18 Fundamentals of Information Systems, Second Edition 18 Communications Software and Protocols Communications software - provides a number of important functions in a network Network operating system - controls the computer systems and devices on a network and allows them to communicate with each other Network management software - a manager can monitor the use of individual computers and shared hardware Communications protocol - rules and standards that make communications possible

19 Fundamentals of Information Systems, Second Edition 19 Common Communications Protocols

20 Fundamentals of Information Systems, Second Edition 20 Use and Functioning of the Internet

21 Fundamentals of Information Systems, Second Edition 21 U.S. Internet Usage by Age, Gender, Region, and Income

22 Fundamentals of Information Systems, Second Edition 22 Routing Messages Over the Internet

23 Fundamentals of Information Systems, Second Edition 23 How the Internet Works Internet Protocol (IP) Transport Control Protocol Uniform Resource Locator

24 Fundamentals of Information Systems, Second Edition 24 U.S. Top-Level Domain Affiliations

25 Fundamentals of Information Systems, Second Edition 25 Three Ways to Access the Internet

26 Fundamentals of Information Systems, Second Edition 26 A Representative List of Internet Service Providers

27 Fundamentals of Information Systems, Second Edition 27 Internet and Telecommunications Services

28 Fundamentals of Information Systems, Second Edition 28 Summary of Internet Services

29 Fundamentals of Information Systems, Second Edition 29 Common Abbreviations Used in Personal E-Mail

30 Fundamentals of Information Systems, Second Edition 30 Two Approaches to Electronic Data Interchange

31 Fundamentals of Information Systems, Second Edition 31 Public Network and Specialized Services

32 Fundamentals of Information Systems, Second Edition 32 The World Wide Web

33 Fundamentals of Information Systems, Second Edition 33 The World Wide Web An Internet service comprising tens of thousands of independently owned computers that work together as one. –Home page –Hypermedia –Hypertext markup language (HTML)

34 Fundamentals of Information Systems, Second Edition 34 Several Interesting Web Sites

35 Fundamentals of Information Systems, Second Edition 35 Sample HTML

36 Fundamentals of Information Systems, Second Edition 36 Search Engine

37 Fundamentals of Information Systems, Second Edition 37 Web Page Providing Java Applets

38 Fundamentals of Information Systems, Second Edition 38 Intranets and Extranets

39 Fundamentals of Information Systems, Second Edition 39 Intranets and Extranets Intranet – an internal corporate network built using Internet and WWW standards and products Extranet - a network that links selected resources of the intranet of a company with its customers, suppliers, or other business partners Virtual private network - a secure connection between two points across the Internet Firewall - a device that sits between your internal network and the outside Internet

40 Fundamentals of Information Systems, Second Edition 40 Summary of Internet, Intranet, and Extranet Users

41 Fundamentals of Information Systems, Second Edition 41 Virtual Private Network

42 Fundamentals of Information Systems, Second Edition 42 Net Issues

43 Fundamentals of Information Systems, Second Edition 43 Privacy and Security Cookie Cryptography Encryption Digital Signature

44 Fundamentals of Information Systems, Second Edition 44 Cryptography

45 Fundamentals of Information Systems, Second Edition 45 Summary Networks - used to share hardware, programs, and databases across the organization. Internet - transmits data from one computer (called a host) to another. The Web - a collection of tens of thousands of independently owned computers that work together as one in an Internet service.

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