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Dentistry in Forensics

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Presentation on theme: "Dentistry in Forensics"— Presentation transcript:

1 Dentistry in Forensics
FORENSIC ODONTOLOGY Dentistry in Forensics

2 How can teeth help investigators?
Identify a suspect by comparing bite mark evidence to the suspect’s teeth. Identify a victim by comparing the teeth to the dental records of known missing people.

3 BITE MARK EVIDENCE Photograph the area with a ruler near the injury (in color and B&W). Area is swabbed for traces of saliva (may contain DNA) Area is swabbed for microorganisms Impressions of the bite mark are made.

4 Photographing the injury

5 We have a suspect, now what?
Get the suspect’s permission for a body search. Take saliva samples. Photograph the teeth with a ruler in place for comparison. Impressions are made of the teeth.

6 Serial Killer Ted Bundy
Impressions being made of Bundy’s teeth.

7 Development of a child’s teeth can help estimate the age of a young victim.

8 Dental Chart for humans

9 The dark markings identify specific characteristics.
Fillings, caps, chips, evidence of dental work

10 Vet’s Dental Chart: Animal Bites

11 Bite mark on a body

12 Comparison of chimpanzee, A. afarensis, and human dentition

13 Unique characteristics

14 What Else can be Learned from Teeth?

15 Dental Erosion- vomiting too much

16 STAINING #1- from specific antibiotic use when teeth were developing

17 STAINING #2- from smoking

18 WORN TEETH #1- pipe smoker

19 WORN TEETH #2- electrician (stripping wires with teeth)

20 COUNTRY OF ORIGIN different dental practices

21 TEETH: Note size and shape

22 Teeth are important in Forensics!
The End

23 References
James, Stuart H. and Nordby, Jon J. Forensic Science: An Introduction to Scientific and Investigative Techniques. CRC Press; Boca Raton, 2003. Other Google images

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