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NextEnd. Grape (Vitis vinifera L.) vine is grown in West and South India especially in Maharashtra and Andhra Pradesh, to a great extent. The varieties.

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Presentation on theme: "NextEnd. Grape (Vitis vinifera L.) vine is grown in West and South India especially in Maharashtra and Andhra Pradesh, to a great extent. The varieties."— Presentation transcript:

1 NextEnd

2 Grape (Vitis vinifera L.) vine is grown in West and South India especially in Maharashtra and Andhra Pradesh, to a great extent. The varieties gowns are Anab-e- Shahi and Thomson Seedless. The grapes are grown on different training systems depending upon the varieties and the purpose for which they are grown. These different systems allow the growth of various types of weeds PreviousNext End Introduction

3 In Bower system,soon after pruning of grapes, there is lot of sunshine underneath which allows the growth of cyperus rotundus and Oxalis corniculata. After sometime, the vegetative growth of grape increases and shades the underneath space with result Polygon plebejum, Euphorbia geniculata, Amaranthus viridis, Portiulaca oleracea, Oxalis sp. And Mullugo pentaphylla among dicots and Digitaria marginata, Eleusine indica, and Setaria glauca among monocots come up. PreviousNext End

4 Weed control methods Control of weeds in grape is very important to maintain the yield and quality levels as it is a commercially important crop. The Different weed control methods are as follows  Hand weeding  Mechanical method  Mulching  Cover cropping  Chemical weed control PreviousNext End

5 Hand weeding Euphorbia geniculata and E. hirta, which appear as major weeds, carry fungal and insect pests and act as alternative hosts. They use khurpi, a small hand operated implement, to remove the weeds. The usual method of weed control in manual by employing women labour. PreviousNext End

6 Mechanical method In mechanical method of weed control by using bullock drawn implement is very common in Maharashtra. But in young orchards, the root system of grape being shallow, mechanical methods using machinery becomes difficult. In scientific orchard management, motor run tractors and power trillers are used to cultivate the inter rows of grape. In such cases, usage of spade for hoeing is preferred. PreviousNext End

7 In scientific orchard management, motor run tractors and power trillers are used to cultivate the inter rows of grape.  In such cases, usage of spade for hoeing is preferred. PreviousNextEnd

8 Mulching Mulching with inorganic materials like black polythene film and organic materials like sarkanda, wheat and rice straw, sugar cane trash, dried leaves and saw dust have been advocated for conserving soil moisture and fostering rapid growth of plants. Sarkanda was found to be the best mulch for grape in Punjab and black polythene in Tamil Nadu. PreviousNextEnd

9 Cover cropping The general cover crops grown in grape orchards are :  French beans  Cucurbits  Sun hemp and  Mung  Cowpea PreviousNextEnd

10 Chemical weed control Chemical weed control using herbicides has been tried in grape by several workers. These worker have used either simazine, atrazine, diuron, dalapon, oxyfluronfen, paraquat, or glyphosate. Except paraquat and glyphosate, which were used as post- emergent sprays, all other herbicides were used pre-emergent to weeds. Cont…. PreviousNext End

11 One spray of atrazine or simazine or diuron at 2.0 kg a.i./ha as pre-emergent spray followed after six months by two post-emergent sprays of parquat at 2.0 kg a.i./ha at three monthly intervals for grape cv. Banglore Blue. Oxyflurofen at 1.0 kg a.i./ha as pre-emergence spray and glyphosate at 3.0 kg a.i./has post-emergence spray proved very effective for controlling weeds for four and six months respectively in grape cv. Anab-e-Shahi. Herbicides in mulched vineyards have also been tried successfully. Previous

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