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Starting a conversation with a foreigner in English

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1 Starting a conversation with a foreigner in English
language learning & further understanding

2 If we talk with foreigners in English, we can _____________________.
practise our spoken English V. speaking English We can practise _____________ V. If we want to speak English fluently, we need a lot of ________, practice [U] n. because practice makes perfect. [U] n.

3 because practice makes perfect.
n practise (V.)+ doing practice : [u] n. basketball piano practice If we want …, we should practise… because practice makes perfect.

4 First, exchange a “Hello” or “Hi” with the foreigner.
exchange sth. with sb.: give something to each other If you want to keep in touch with your friends, We can exchange ideas or information with each other.

5 Pay attention to his facial expression
and body language.

6 We can’t force a conversation on foreigners.
We can’t force foreigners ______________________ to have a conversation. force on : sth. sb. force sb. to accept sth. force sb to do: make sb do what they don’t want to do We can’t force others to accept our ideas. on others. We can’t force our ideas___________

7 n. pay attention to + doing
If you feel like learning English well, what should you pay attention to? n. pay attention to + doing special / much little / no If we feel like learning English well, we should pay special attention to taking notes at class.

8 If we want to have a pleasant talk with foreigners,
we should pay attention to the following points. choose a suitable topic raise an open-ended questions find points of connection

9 n. v. 1. comment (v.) on : give opinions about
We should pay attention to others’ comments, and we can also comment on what others say. n. v. 1. comment (v.) on : give opinions about 2. make comments (n.) on When you talk with a foreigner, if you want to comment on what he says, to be polite, you should pay attention to _________________________ making some comments. positive positive or negative

10 Guess the meaning from the context and find the evidence.
But what if the person stops whatever he is doing and looks back or smiles at you? These are positive cues, indicating you can keep talking and start a conversation. A. pleasant B. unpleasant

11 When you talk with a foreigner,
if you want to comment on what he says. To be polite, you should pay attention to making some________ comments. positive

12 Decide whether the following situations are positive or negative.
We want to practise speaking English with foreigners, so we force them to exchange telephone numbers with us. 2. Before we keep talking with a foreign, we should pay attention to his facial expression . 3.We should never make comments on what others say. 4. We force our ideas on foreigners, if they don’t agree with us. 5. We can exchange culture with foreigners, if they feel like talking.

13 Discussion During the Expo, what manners should you have?
We should pay attention to … We can exchange… We can’t force…

14 exchange ideas and culture with foreigners
pay attention to improving your English practice speaking English force yourself to speak English …comments on your spoken English

15 Homework 1. Read the text again and finish C2.
2. Try to retell the text using all the phrases we have learned. 3. Finish the following translation. 秘书经常练习打字。(practice) 不要轻易与陌生人交换个人信息。(exchange) 父母们经常强迫孩子放弃自己的爱好。(force) 把自己的想法强加于人是不对的。(force) 对他人的观点进行评论时,要注意考虑他人的感受。(attention)

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