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BOSMIP IV Steering Committee meeting 1 Zagreb, 23-24 May 2011 By Wytze Russchen Project Manager BOSMIP IV (BUSINESSEUROPE) Wytze Russchen24 May 2011

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Presentation on theme: "BOSMIP IV Steering Committee meeting 1 Zagreb, 23-24 May 2011 By Wytze Russchen Project Manager BOSMIP IV (BUSINESSEUROPE) Wytze Russchen24 May 2011"— Presentation transcript:

1 BOSMIP IV Steering Committee meeting 1 Zagreb, 23-24 May 2011 By Wytze Russchen Project Manager BOSMIP IV (BUSINESSEUROPE) Wytze Russchen24 May 2011

2 Content BUSINESSEUROPE in brief BOSMIP: background (I-IV) BOSMIP: concept & format BOSMIP II & III: results Lessons and recommendations BOSMIP IV: CSO / next steps 2 Wytze Russchen24 May 2011

3 BUSINESSEUROPE in brief BUSINESSEUROPE’s members are 40 industry and employers’ federations from 34 countries; Working together for growth and competitiveness in Europe: number 1 business lobby in Brussels; Pro-accession / Invest in projects/memberships; 3 Wytze Russchen24 May 2011

4 BOSMIP: Background (I-IV) BOSMIP: Bringing Business Together Historical overview (2003-2011..) 4 main objectives:  Transfer of knowledge  Implementation acquis - support  Capacity building  Regional (and EU) integration 4 Wytze Russchen24 May 2011

5 BOSMIP IV – Financial Issues BOSMIP IBOSMIP IIBOSMIP IIIBOSMIP IV 12 target countries & federations 4 target countries 5 target federations 8 target countries & 9 federations 6 target countries & 11 federations 2003 - 20042008 - 20092009 - 20112010 - 2012 4 topics + capacity building 6 topics + capacity building 3 topics + capacity building Focus on Civil Society 5 Commission Funding: BSP II BSP III IPA SEP I Leander van Laerhoven

6 BOSMIP: concept & format National seminars EU-27 experts from members Tripling (EU-15 + EU-12 + targets) Mentoring programme Advocacy + working visits EU Tangible output & communication Sustainable - integration 6 24 May 2011Wytze Russchen

7 BOSMIP II & III: Results (I) Not always easy to measure – long-term Increased know-how of acquis topics Better training capacities to 3 rd parties Improved accession information Enlargement networks region + EU Integration within BUSINESSEUROPE Knowledge EU and advocacy enhanced 7 24 May 2011Wytze Russchen

8 Results (II) Membership services improved = Membership / credibility increase Sustainable follow-up – various: Publications, websites, videos, etc. Bilateral cooperation develops (Sometimes) enhanced dialogue with national authorities + CSOs… 8 24 May 2011Wytze Russchen

9 Lessons & Recommendations Stick to rules + be Flexible (e.g. extra seminars, budget publications, etc.) Pro-active role target countries essential: demand-driven works best New focus on lobby and networking Tripling = success: match old/new Report to EC + inform/involve Preparation = key - matching needs 9 24 May 2011Wytze Russchen

10 Lessons & Recommendations (II) Monitoring and impact assess: follow-up Regional spread, no capitals only Involve national + EU authorities + press Interactive + Practical = only way to success! Mentoring is paying off – spill-over Tangible outcome (products) required Challenges: assertive + advocate 10 Wytze Russchen24 May 2011

11 BOSMIP IV : a CSO project Duration: 24 months 6 Interactive seminars in 6 countries: Bosnia, Croatia, FYROM, Kosovo, Montenegro, Serbia CSO partners: trade unions, academia, NGOs Exporting Best Practices (SER eg.) Dialogue CSO / integration nat.+EU focus Study Visit – Brussels – EU impact/influence Mentoring and Publication 11 Wytze Russchen24 May 2011

12 Next steps / closing remarks End of BOSMIP IV December 2012 BOSMIP V (Eastern Partnership Countries) – VI and beyond … Website: 12 Wytze Russchen24 May 2011 This presentation has been produced with the financial assistance of the European Commission. The views expressed herein are those of BOSMIP IV and can therefore in no way be taken to reflect the official opinion of the European Commission.

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