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Presentation on theme: "NOTE: To change the image on this slide, select the picture and delete it. Then click the Pictures icon in the placeholder to insert your own image. YOU."— Presentation transcript:

1 NOTE: To change the image on this slide, select the picture and delete it. Then click the Pictures icon in the placeholder to insert your own image. YOU SHOULD PUBLISH THAT! BUT HOW? Diana Boyd Associate Editor The Canadian Journal of Career Development

2 Research & paper is done, now what?  Choose a publication format: Magazine, Trade magazine, Academic journal Magazine: fancy covers, written for nonprofessionals, no bibliographies, editorial review, articles usually written by staff and can be unsigned. Funded though advertisements and price purchase. Content is usually personalities, news, and general interest articles. E.g. Psychology Today, Times, MacLean's Trade magazine: covers tends to depict association setting, audience is for members of a specific business/industry/organization, editorial review, may have short bibliographies. Advertisement can be moderate. Articles written by staff or contributing authors. Contend tends to be industry trends, new products or techniques, and organizational news. Language is often easier to understand than articles in journals. E.g. CareerWise, Careering Magazine, Communiqué Academic journals: covers tend to be more plain, written for researchers and professionals in the field, peer/blind reviewed, has bibliographies, few to no advertisements, Free to access or by membership. Content focuses on research projects, methodology, and theory. Articles written by contributing authors. Language specific to field. E.g. The Canadian Journal of Career Development, Journal of College Student Development, Journal of Student Affairs Research and Practice

3 Why publish to an academic journal or trade magazine?  Benefits to the Individual Optimize your visibility to community Sharing of information and new knowledge Sharing of expertise Funding support! Issue ownership And more…  Benefits to the University & Department Funding support!! Bragging rights Seen as leading the field Visibility And more….

4 Predatory journals…Watch out! Publishers and journals that exploit the business model of open-access publishing by charging large fees to authors without providing editorial and publishing services associated with more established and legitimate journals.  No academic information is provided regarding the editor, editorial staff, or review board members (academic credentials, institutional affiliation, academic expertise)  Two or more journals have duplicate editorial boards  If the publisher owner is identified as the editor of all the journals published by the organization  No single individual is identified as the journal’s editor  Journal does not identify a formal editorial/review board, have concocted editorial boards, scholars listed without their knowledge,  Missing contact information for editorial board and headquarters Some ways to spot a predatory Journal  Check to see if it is listed on Beall’s List of predatory publishers.  Charges a large fee to authors only after paper is accepted  Promises fast publication and review for a price.  Has the article approved for publication within days or hours of submission  Will accept articles already published in other journals  Editor asks you for suggestions for reviewers  Copies ‘authors guidelines’ from other publishers  Combines two or more fields not normally together


6 Locating and Choosing a Journal Match journals scope to your topic area. Look for themed or special editions Decide on open access vs. Subscription based. Acceptance rating? Set deadlines for submissions or an open submission policy? How many issues are printed each year? Check out their submission requirements and how to submit Canadian, American, or International based journal Pick only one journal to submit individual article to! Refine article to better match scope of your chosen journal Match your article to the specific manuscript styles and rules given by the journal (Spacing, paper length/size, tables/figures, page limit, etc.) Contact journal if you have any questions Submit in the form and way stated on the journals website Don’ts #1: Try to make an article fit the journal scope if obviously not related.

7 It’s submitted, now what?  You will receive a confirmation email which should include a file number for reference, contact information for editorial board, and possible date to hear back about your article status.  Article will go through initial review by the editorial staff. If passed will move onto peer review stage.  Typical waiting period is 4-12 weeks to hear back about the status of your article.  This will range depending on how many submissions the journal receives and availability of reviewers to look at your article.  You always have the right to pull your article anytime during the review process. However don’t do this just to make some changes and resubmit. Don’ts #2  Email the editorial staff for weekly updates  Try to push your article through the process  Request that it be reviewed by a certain person(s)  Ask for reviewers contact information. It’s blind review for a reason  Respond negatively to feedback or rejection notice  Argue with the editorial staff about submission status

8 How will my article be judged/reviewed? Main Research Sections  Introduction: is it rationale and appropriate, convincing, thesis development  Theory/literature review: is it encompassing, focused?  Procedure/Methods (if appropriate): are they adequate, rigorous, valid, using up to date procedures  Results: are they transparent, easy to follow, answering the research question,  Discussion/conclusion :has everything been put into perspective, conclusions flow from evidence presented, conclusions are valid, conclusive  Notes and references: are all references used in the article listed in the references, how old are references used, are the references adequately cited, Quality of your over all paper  Structure: transparent, coherent, logical, focused on one point, argumentation strength, readability  Reasoning: clear, consistent, rational, overly critical,  Expression: precise, simple, uses correct language You will receive notice of either rejection, rejection with chance to resubmit (not all journals have this option), conditional acceptance with revisions, and acceptance.


10 Rejection  Could be rejected before undergoing peer review process if editorial board deems it not a match for their scope or mandate.  May have gone through peer review but in its current form did not meet journals/fields standards  Major grammar issues, sentence structure, spelling issues, missing important information or comparisons, flow issues, invalid conclusions, etc. Rejection with option to re-submit  Not all journals have this option  It has gone through review process but the article is missing something(s) that makes it un-publishable. However the reviewers and editorial board deem the topic important to the field.  It is rejected in its current form but you are invited by the editorial staff to redesign based on feedback and resubmit for review.

11 Continued… Conditional acceptance with minor revisions  Accepted as long as you make the recommended revisions provided by the reviewers and/or explain why the recommended revisions should not be made  Usually minor grammar, sentence structure or spelling, minor formatting, and flow issues. Recommendations for missing references. Acceptance, no revisions required  The article is perfect as it is written  Not many people get this as the majority come back with at least minor revisions and suggestions.

12 I got accepted!! Now what??  You will be given an authors contract.  All authors and co-authors will have to sign their own contract. Read them carefully. If one author does not sign, the article cannot be published.  Typically gives copyright of the article to the Journal you are publishing in. You don’t lose your ownership of your data!  Will have to ask Journals permission to print or publish the exact article elsewhere.  You will be provided with a date and/or edition your article will appear in.  Not un-normal for your article to be slotted into an edition that won’t be printed for 1-2 years.  Print slot all depends on how many editions per year, how many articles are in each edition, and how many articles are accepted each year.  Depending on the Journal, you may be provided with a free copy of the edition your article appears in.

13 But I got rejected, now what? You have a few options if you do get rejected. #1. You could submit the same article to a different journal. What may not have fit your first choice may fit another's scope and mandate. #2. You could re-write it completely and submit again. However it cannot be identical to the first one. #3. Change the media choice of your article from an academic journal to a trade magazine. #4. You could put it in a file cabinet never to see the light of day again! But you don’t want to add to the research File Drawer Problem.

14 QUESTIONS? DISCUSSION! IT’S SHARING TIME Thank you for coming! I hope that this helps you with your publication goals. Please feel free to contact me for additional notes or questions after the conference. Diana Boyd: or 709- 864- 6162

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