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Discovering Philemon, 2 John, 3 John and Jude. The Thin Books.

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Presentation on theme: "Discovering Philemon, 2 John, 3 John and Jude. The Thin Books."— Presentation transcript:

1 Discovering Philemon, 2 John, 3 John and Jude

2 The Thin Books


4 The Writer: The writer of this short epistle calls himself Jude or Judas. Two among the apostles John 14:22 Jude is likely the half brother of Jesus. Gal 1:19 Jude might have been mentored by Peter.

5 The Reason: Jude was written to exhort believers to contend for the faith against those who were denying the truth

6 The Message: Actively Contend v. 3 I felt I had to write and urge you to contend for the faith that was once for all entrusted to the saints.

7 The Message: Actively Contend Recognize the Hazard v. 4 For certain men... Truth Matters – Issues of Doctrine Lordship Matters – issues of submission, following authority, rebellion. Character Matters -- issues of integrity, purity and holiness

8 The Message: Actively Contend Recognize the Hazard Jude 8-10 Description Dreamers – Deluded, daydreamers, not anchored in reality Slanderers – Slandering celestial beings is a sign of arrogance.

9 The Message: Actively Contend Recognize the Hazard Take the Hazard Seriously

10 The Message: Actively Contend Take the Hazard Seriously God Does Three understood examples (Jude 5-7) Israel Num 14:22-37 (Lordship) Angels 2 Peter 2:4 Rev 12:7-8 (Lordship) Sodom and Gomorrah Genesis 18, 19 (Character)

11 The Message: Actively Contend Take the Hazard Seriously We Should 11 Woe to them! Way of Cain -- Rebellion and Evil 1 John 3:12 Balaam’s Error -- enticed to compromise 2 Peter 2:15-16; Rev 2:14 Korah’s Rebellion – Rebellious to Death Num 16:32

12 The Message: Actively Contend Recognize the Hazard Take the Hazard Seriously Post a Hazard Warning

13 The Message: Actively Contend Jude 12-13 blemishes at your love feasts shepherds who feed only themselves are clouds without rain, blown along by the wind autumn trees, without fruit and uprooted- twice dead. wild waves of the sea, foaming up their shame wandering stars, for whom blackest darkness has been reserved forever.

14 The Message: Actively Contend Recognize the Hazard Take the Hazard Seriously Post a Hazard Warning Failing to heed has consequences Jude 14-15 Judged and convicted by God.

15 The Message: Actively Contend Recognize the Hazard Take the Hazard Seriously Post a Hazard Warning Failing to heed has consequences Jude 14-15 Judged and convicted by God.

16 The Message: Never Compromise Hold Fast Jude 17-19 Build Up Jude 20 Show Mercy Jude 22-23 Trust God Jude 24-25


18 Jesus, you are the truth that sets me free, you reveal you truth trough your word. Forgive me for when I have neglected it. Forgive me for when I have dismissed it so easily. I want to be a person who embraces truth, may your truth so saturate my being

19 that my life reflects your character. Keep my eyes open to the false things that could ship wreck my life. May how I live be the outcome of your truth in my life. Amen

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