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Introduction This small epistle strikes our imagination with its vivid pictures of false teachers. The writer commands our attention with his appeals for.

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Presentation on theme: "Introduction This small epistle strikes our imagination with its vivid pictures of false teachers. The writer commands our attention with his appeals for."— Presentation transcript:

1 Introduction This small epistle strikes our imagination with its vivid pictures of false teachers. The writer commands our attention with his appeals for defending the faith and growing in grace. The primary focus of the book is on FAITH, the BELIEVERS, and GOD. Jude tells us to remember Christ's words to build ourselves up in strong faith. The key is to keep “looking for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ unto eternal life”. This is in contrast to those who follow immoral desires and deny Christ and will be condemned! Jude assures us that Jesus is the one who preserves us and keeps us! What a blessed assurance to know that Christ holds us close; He NEVER fails!! Monday: Contend for the Faith 1.) What are the three things Jude asks to be multiplied? ___________ 2.) What have certain men ‘crept’ in and done?____________________________ 3.) What happened to those who remained as unbelievers after the Lord saved them out of the land of Egypt?______________________________________________ 4.) What about the ‘angels’ who did not keep their proper domain?_____________________________________________________________ 5.) Why were Sodom and Gomorrah condemned? ____________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________. 6.) Why does Jude make a direct reference to Archangel Michael?____________________________________________________________. 7.) Complete the verse “For they have gone in the way of ________, have run greedily in the error of ____________ for profit, and perished in the rebellion of __________.”

2 Tuesday: Apostates Depraved and Doomed 1.) Complete the verse “Enoch says ‘Behold, the Lord comes with ten thousands of his _________, to execute ____________on all, to ________ all who are ungodly among them” 2.) Who is Enoch?________________________________________________________________. ______________________________________________________________________. Wednesday: Apostates Predicted 1.) Who are those ‘walking in their own lusts’?_________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________. 2.) What does Jude call us to remember?_____________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ _________._____________________________________________________________ Thursday: Maintain your life with God 1.) How should we ‘build ourselves up’?___________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________. Friday: Glory to God 1.) Who is able to ‘keep you from stumbling and present you faultless’ before God?________________________________. 2.) Complete the final prayer “To God our Savior, Who alone is ________, Be ________ and _________, Dominion and ________, Both now and forever. Amen”

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