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John Supra & Nathan Strong October 2012 Using HR Metrics to Support Strategic Planning/Employee Development.

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Presentation on theme: "John Supra & Nathan Strong October 2012 Using HR Metrics to Support Strategic Planning/Employee Development."— Presentation transcript:

1 John Supra & Nathan Strong October 2012 Using HR Metrics to Support Strategic Planning/Employee Development

2 A Strategic Asset for Transformation

3 Beyond Transactions Connection of Strategy with Talent Source for Recruitment Home for Workforce Investment – Training programs – Retention and reward programs Leads Organizational Structure Supports the Culture

4 Organizational Structure Alignment with Strategy Away from Hierarchy Driven – Projects and teams Valuing Management AND Expertise Responsibility beyond Number of Reports Public Sector Challenges

5 Balancing How We Value People Knowledge Expertise Knowledge Expertise

6 Individual Leader Growth 6

7 SC DHHS Workforce Number of Employees vs. Years of Service (Avg 8.1 years) Number at 10 years of service is related to agency transfer.

8 Balanced Scorecard Adapted from Kaplan & Norton, “Using the Balanced Scorecard as a Strategic Management System,” HBR (Jan-Feb 1996).

9 Connecting to Business Goals Balanced Scorecard in Public Sector Tying Performance to Balanced Scorecard – Key initiatives in each area – Developing strategy and planning that connects with Balanced Scorecard – Connecting each employee’s metrics with the Balanced Scorecard

10 SC DHHS Initiatives Performance & Accountability Driven Reduce Silos – Management Levels Align with Goals not Funding Workforce Skills & Expertise Elevation Lean Six Sigma – Process Improvements Bonus Incentive Linked to Performance Flexibility in Compensation Structure

11 Metric Driven Planning & Performance Management

12 SC DHHS Draft Metrics Attract, Train, and Retain High Performers Strengthen Recruitment & Hiring Average length of service Voluntary separation rate Turnover by area/class Performance Ratings (# high vs. average) Average Training Investment per Employee Average Training Investment per Supervisor New Employee Training (# and investment) Percent of Staff Training (CPM, Six Sigma, etc…) Improve Employee Accountability and Engagement and Ensure Appropriate Rewards 100% Meaningful Performance Reviews Balanced Bonus Program (performance/project) # and Investment of Bonus Awards Investment in Employee Events Wellness Events Provide Consulting Services for Risk Avoidance Number of Complaints Addressed Number of Grievances/Settlements/EEOC Number of Disciplinary Actions EAP Utilization Maintain Appropriate Level of Labor Costs Enhance Human Resources Operations Customer Service – Manager Surveys Index of Worker’s Compensation Costs Process Efficiency and Effectiveness – Transaction Cycle Times HR Help Desk Turn-Around Times Benefits Services (# and timeliness)

13 USC Strategic Plan Focus Carolina is the University of South Carolina’s Strategic Plan guides us in our decision making for USC’s future. We commit to seven focus areas: Educational Quality Leadership Innovation Diversity Access Global Competitiveness Community Engagement

14 Academic Dashboard  Unveiled in January 2012  Selection of metrics – Relatively small number – Broad impact – Students and faculty  Selection of comparison groups – Peer and peer‐aspirant – Similar mission and size – Competitors

15 USC’s Success Critical Areas Cost Effectiveness of Business Practices Sustainable and Productive Workforce Improving the Work Environment Enhancing Operational Effectiveness

16 Cost Effectiveness Result AreaCost Effective Business Practices that Enhance Competitiveness in Higher Ed Marketplace Success Drivers Competitive Pay for Faculty and Staff Mitigation of Employment Related Risk and Exposure Maintain Appropriate Level of Labor Costs Key Metrics Competitiveness of faculty salaries vs. identified job markets Index of WC costs; settlement costs; employee claim costs; impact of EAP Avg. Comp. and Benefits per FTE; % of total budget devoted to employee comp and benefits

17 Workforce Result AreaCreating a Sustainable and Productive Workforce Success Drivers Successful Hiring Practices Investment in Employee Development Retention of Talent Key Metrics % of new hires who become high performers in 2 yrs.; Total separations from USC w/in 1 yr./Total hires for same year % of staff participating in professional development; improvement in Needs Assessment results index

18 Work Environment Result AreaImproving the Work Environment for USC Employees Success Drivers Employee Engagement Effective Supervision and Recognition of Employees Key Metrics Employee Engagement survey results by work unit Number of Employees receiving recognition/all employees % of supervisors trained in core programs

19 HR Operational Effectiveness Result AreaEnhancing the Operational Effectiveness of the HR Function Success Drivers Customer Service Process Efficiency and Effectiveness Key Metrics Customer Service survey results by program area Partner feedback on process changes Index of performance measures by Program Area # of processes reviewed and documented

20 The Value of HR Metrics Reveals progress toward critical organizational goals Keeps HR focused on matters important to the University Ensures that issues that affect the workforce are considered in planning efforts

21 Questions & Discussion

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