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Vocabulary Week 8 Campagna. annul  The state legislators voted by an overwhelming majority to annul the out- of-date law.

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1 Vocabulary Week 8 Campagna

2 annul  The state legislators voted by an overwhelming majority to annul the out- of-date law

3 annul  V. to reduce to nothing; to make ineffective or inoperative; to declare legally invalid or void

4 Blasé  Battle hardened soldiers may tend to become a bit blasé about the dangers they face.

5 Blasé  Adj. indifferent, bored as a result of having enjoyed many pleasures; apethetic

6 bolster  When you write a research paper, you should always use appropriate facts to bolster your case.

7 bolster  V. to support, give a boost to; n. a long pillow or cushion; a supporting post

8 deplore  Social critics deplore what they believe is a widespread decline in good manners.

9 deplore  V. to feel or express regret or disaproval

10 frivolous  I’ll ignore your frivolous suggestion that the Giants are going to the Super Bowl.

11 frivolous  Adj. of little importance, not worthy of serious attention; not meant seriously

12 muster  You will need to muster up your courage to face the bully who has been tormenting you  The sleepy new recruits assembled on the parade ground for the early morning muster.

13 muster  V. to bring together for service or battle; to gather or summon; n. a list of men for military service; a gathering

14 nonentity  We may not be movie stars, but we did not deserve to be treated as nonentity by the headwaiter

15 nonentity  N. a person or thing of no importance

16 obsess  If you allow fear of failure to obsess you, you will find it difficult or even impossible to achieve your goals.

17 obsess  V. to trouble, haunt, or fill the mind

18 ornate  If you ask me, an ornate gilded frame distracts the viewer’s eye from a simple drawing.

19 ornate  Adj. elaborately decorated

20 oust  Military leaders ousted the duly elected president and took over the government.

21 oust  V. to remove, drive out of a position or place

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