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Test Tool Status Program. In your Internet Explorer Go to

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Presentation on theme: "Test Tool Status Program. In your Internet Explorer Go to"— Presentation transcript:

1 Test Tool Status Program

2 In your Internet Explorer Go to

3 LOG IN Click on the login tab Enter your Username and Password Click submit

4 Home page of Located under Programs & Reports Click on Test Tool Status

5 Main Search Page Here you can search for a test tool in multiple ways

6 Search By Date Range Click the calendar icon to show the calendar Choose a “From” Date Choose a “To” Date Click Search This search will show all Orders within that date range

7 Search By TM# Here is a drop down menu with all of the TM#’s Select one & press search –It will search for all orders for that TM# Click the “Only Open Records” box –This then show you Only Open Orders

8 Search By End User Or Company Name Enter in a End User’s or Company Name –This can be spelled in part or in full Press Search This will search for all orders for that End User or Company Name

9 Search By EDP# Here you can enter one of the following: –Series # –Sobo # –EDP# This search will show all orders with the option you selected to enter

10 Once you have reached you results All search results display in the same way Here you can see the “Total net value of open test tools” for your search You can change the status of the order by clicking Edit You can Print or Email this page by clicking on the Email/Print icon If you click on “Click here to exit test tool program” it will take you back to the Home Page of

11 Clicking Edit In the edit screen you can –Close the order –Change the End User –Link a TPR –Enter comments –Check boxes –Submit Changes Enter Comments Here!!

12 Closing A Order Goodwill Test Tools Were Purchased Test Tools Were Returned Tool Performance Report Submitted

13 Goodwill Check the box for “Goodwill” In the comments section –Type the reason why the test tool is being provided for free In the Date Closed area –Select the date the order is being closed on In the End User field –Input the test site name Click submit All steps must be followed in order to close the order A test tool is considered to be Goodwill if the TM can not receive payment for the test tool from a distributor Comment Here!!

14 Test Tools Were Purchased Follow the following steps to remove the cost of a test tool from a TM’s budget Check the “Tools were purchased” box In the “comments” –Type the name of the distributor that purchased the tools Select the “Date Closed” Enter the “End User” name –This must be different then the bill to name Click “submit” All steps must be followed in order to close the order The net value of a test tool will be removed from a territory manager’s test tool budget when a purchase order is received from a distributor. Comment Here!! 08/16/2011

15 Test Tools Were Returned Follow the following steps to remove the cost of a returned tool from a TM’s budget Check the “Tools were returned” box In the “comments” –Type reason for return & the original order # Enter the “End User” name –This must be different then the bill to name Select the “Date Closed” Click “submit” Please note that returns are negative numbers so you will want to find the original & repeat this process All steps must be followed in order to close the order If the test tool was returned to Guhring with out being used, the territory manager can remove the costs from his test tool budget. Tool returned (not used/ test failed) Original Order#:1602409606 07/01/2011

16 Tool Performance Report Submitted Follow the following steps are to remove the cost of a a reported TPR test tool from a TM’s budget Click “Search for a TPR to link to this test tool” If a tool performance report is submitted for a test tool, the territory manager can remove the cost of the tool from his budget Click to Continue

17 Tool Performance Report Submitted Continued If TPR was not found –Click “Back to Test Tools” to return to edit page If TPR was found –Select the TPR –Click “Submit” to link TRP to test tool Select the TPR that corresponds to the test tool

18 Tool Performance Report Submitted Continued Enter the “End User” name –This must be different then the bill to name Select the “Date Closed” Click “submit” 07/01/2011 All steps must be followed in order to close the order

19 You are now ready to start maintaining a test tool account Should you have further questions, Please feel free to contact Kelly Austin

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