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Ilm-o-Amal Welfare Association, Pakistan Ilm-o-Amal Mobile Library.

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Presentation on theme: "Ilm-o-Amal Welfare Association, Pakistan Ilm-o-Amal Mobile Library."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ilm-o-Amal Welfare Association, Pakistan Ilm-o-Amal Mobile Library

2 2 Vision and Mission Vision  Promote learning by making quality books available at affordable cost Mission  Create a network of mobile libraries on a hub & spoke basis  Hub is the central library  Spoke is the mobile library on a motorbike or car

3 3 Strategy Goals  Create the largest and most varied collection of books in the areas in which we operate  Create awareness of the value of books and learning  Enhance the relationship with the schools  Utilize the mobile network for providing school books and supplies to students e.g. lending books for the whole year and utilizing it next year for another child  Visibility of Ilm-o-Amal to general public

4 4 How it works

5 5 What is the Hub-Central Library?  Consists of one room initially  Contains enough number of shelves to store 500 books  Contains a laptop with wireless internet connection to access the library management system (LMS) module of BMS  Have a scanner and printer  Is dry and protected from weather  Have adequate lighting, ceiling fan and exhaust fan  Have One table and 3 chairs  Have a pedestal to for retrieving and storing books  Be protected by lock and key  Contains adequate stationary

6 6 What is the Spoke- Mobile Library  A normal 70 CC motorcycle  With a career similar to Pizza Delivery made of fiberglass  Can store 50 books  Weight of 50 books should not be more than 50 KG which is weight of a normal passenger

7 7 Who is the librarian?  A man who can drive a motorbike  Unfortunately because of culture a woman does not drive motorbike. However if a woman has a car she can be suitable for the role.  Full time (Visits school during day time, library work in the afternoon)  Must be genuinely interested in books and learning  Preferably a retired teacher or librarian

8 8 What is LMS? Stands for Library Management System  It is a module of BMS (Beneficiary Management System)  Can be accessed through Internet with valid username and password Administrator/Librarian  Can register a new book or change information about existing books  Enter a new issuance of book  Create a new library user  Update the return of book Normal Web user  Browse catalog of books by type  See availability of books  Advance booking of books

9 9 About Books Source of Books  Donations plus some purchases of new or old books Naming  Every book must be uniquely numbered XYZ-1234 (XYZ is the category of book) (1234-is the book number in category)  E.g. SGE-0001 (Science Geology Book Number 0001)  Every book must be entered in the LMS system

10 10 Process Step 1: Establish library  Prepare room, Catalog books, Enter in LMS Step 2: Invite schools to join the program  Agree day of the week and time to visit school  Agree a place in the school for the library Step 3: Issue library cards to the students Step 4:Start issuing books on the day of visit  Register the issuance and return in a paper book  And then in LMS

11 11 Areas of Operation North Karachi North Nazimabad Nazimabad Orangi Town  Gulberg Liaquatabad Town

12 12 Initial Cost Setting Up Library  Up-to 1 lac for initial setup including motor bike Monthly Cost  Up-to 10 thousand per month How to get the funds  Donations from Ilm-o-Amal  Participating school can be charged Rs 500- 1000 per month for the service

13 13 You need more information?  Visit  Or  Write to us at 

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