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6 Kingdoms of Classification By: Caitlin Welch 2 nd period.

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1 6 Kingdoms of Classification By: Caitlin Welch 2 nd period

2 Archaebacteria Prokaryotic- no nucleus in cells Unicellular Extremophiles- live in extreme conditions Obligate anaerobes- don’t need oxygen Cell walls that don’t have peptidoglycan- sugars and amino acids that forms a mesh-like layer outside the plasma Less common than Eubacteria Like to live near volcanoes, highly acidic areas, and hot springs When scientists are searching for archaebacteria at hot springs, they use long poles immersing microscope slides in the boiling pool onto which some archaebacteria might be captured for study.

3 Archaebacteria Examples Methanobrevibacter smithii Located in the human colon Halobacterium salinarum Located in highly saline environments like Great Salt Lake, Dead Sea Methanococcus jannaschii Located at hypothermal vents at the bottom of the oceans

4 Eubacteria Prokaryotic Unicellular or colonial- separate but live together almost like a single organism Microscopic and motile Autotroph and heterotroph Some have cell walls made of peptidoglycan Classified into own kingdom because their chemical make-up is different Classified by 3 different shapes: Round or Spherical or Oval Shaped, Rod Shaped, Spiral or Comma Shaped They are considered as plants because of the presence of chlorophyll

5 Eubacteria Examples Escherichia coli Sometimes in contaminated food Lactobacillus acidophilusBacillus anthracis Fatal infection of the skin, respiratory system or gastrointestinal system

6 Protista Eukaryotic Generally unicellular Can be obligate aerobes, anaerobes or facultative anaerobes Need water to live Move by using: Cilia, Flagella, Pseudopodia Know as `Junk` drawer of biology Only live in aqueous environments 3 types: Animal like Protists, Plant like Protists, Fungi like Protists

7 Protista Examples Amoeba proteus Paramecium pentaurelia Paramecium caudatum

8 Fungi Eukaryotic Majority are multi-cellular (yeast is single-celled) Typically not motile, although a few Heterotrophic through absorption Cell walls made of chitin Store food as glycogen Scientists believe they have identified only about 5 percent of all Fungi More related to the Animalia Kingdom than it is to the Plantae Kingdom Classified into 4 groups: chytrids, zygomycetes, ascomycetes, basidiomycetes

9 Fungi Examples Lycoperdon perlatum Agaricus bisporusAmanita virosa “Button Mushroom” Edible “Puffball Mushroom” Sometimes Edible “Deadly Angel Mushroom” Poisonous

10 Plantae Eukaryotic Multicellular Have chloroplasts containing chlorophyll, a green pigment necessary for photosynthesis Autotroph Cell walls made of cellulose Store food as starch Contains almost 300,000 different species of plants Plants are an important source of medicine Certain kinds of plants help to monitor pollution levels

11 Plantae Examples Tulipa gesneriana “Tulip” Viola tricolor subsp. hortensis “Pansy” Antirrhinum majus “Snapdragons”

12 Animalia Eukaryotic Multicellular Skeletal support- vertebrate Heterotroph Show levels of organization including cell, tissue, organ, and system Over 1 million known species Most species of animals are insects Animals can be classified into 35 different phylums, but there are 10 main phylums

13 Animalia Examples Ursus maritimus “Polar bear” Macropus rufus “Red Kangaroo” Phoenicopterus chilensis “Chilean Flamingo”

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