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BSSOs or SSOs working with EALD students

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Presentation on theme: "BSSOs or SSOs working with EALD students"— Presentation transcript:

1 BSSOs or SSOs working with EALD students
Language and Literacy Levels across the Australian Curriculum: EALD students Leaders Professional Learning BSSOs or SSOs working with EALD students

2 Role of the BSSO Classroom support
Cross cultural communicator/facilitator Interpreting Translating Excursion assistant More information about the role of a BSSO is available at

3 Will I use BSSOs/SSOs to support EALD learners?
Who are the EALD learners? What’s their distribution in the school? What are their Language and Literacy levels? What are the language backgrounds of students with high levels of need? 2. What’s the need – for the students and teachers? Are they coping without support? Could they cope better with support? 3

4 Will I use BSSOs/SSOs to support EALD learners?
3. Do I have the funding (EALD + other school funding)? Do I have sufficient funding for an additional specialist teacher? Do I have sufficient funding for BSSO/SSO? Note: Despite specialist EALD teachers being a preferred option, 100 of the 343 schools that attracted EALD General Support in 2014 attracted less than 0.1 teacher FTE 4

5 Will I use BSSOs to support EALD learners?
Are BSSOs available? (time, language, location) Use the BSSO register to make contact 5

6 How will I use BSSOs/SSOs to support EALD learners?
Who are my BSSOs/SSOs? What is their experience, conceptual knowledge and control of English language in a range of topics? What are their qualifications (e.g. Certificate III in Education Support, Certificate IV in English Proficiency)? Where are BSSOs/SSOs best placed to provide support? Should they be spread across all EALD learners? Will they be best placed with low / medium / high need EALD learners? 6

7 Ways BSSOs/SSOs can work to support EALD learners
Withdrawal In class support Collegial support

8 Withdrawal Withdrawal occurs when individual students or small groups of students are withdrawn from their mainstream classes. It works best when: the student’s specific learning need is identified though data (student behaviour is not used as a selection criteria) intervention/teaching will address this specific need the need arises and so it may be ad hoc there are clear short term learning goals and it does not unnecessarily prolong students’ time away from the mainstream learning the teacher provides and explains the material for the BSSO to deliver and BSSO gives feedback to the teacher at the end of the session W

9 Withdrawal Pros Cons Allows for individual attention which enables the BSSO/SSO to learn more about the learner (needs, strengths) Allows for learning activities that might otherwise disturb the class (e.g. discussion, hands on concrete learning to learn concepts) Allows the learner to learn without being embarrassed in front of peers May result in the student falling further behind the curriculum May continue well beyond when it is necessary if there is no clear goal The learner may become very dependent upon the BSSO/SSO for their learning May embarrass/stigmatise the learner

10 In class support In class support is when the students remain where the learning is happening and receive additional support. It works best when: The teacher builds a classroom culture which is supportive of the BSSO/SSO by: being mindful of the BSSO/SSO’s need to talk with the students introducing the BSSO/SSO to the class encouraging the BSSO/SSO to support other students when appropriate the teacher has discussed the learning and assessment with the BSSO prior to the lesson and makes time for feedback from the BSSO

11 In class support Pros Cons
Learners stay where the “real” learning is happening BSSO/SSO and teacher can informally discuss EALD learners’ progress and differentiate learning to meet their needs EALD learners can learn from mainstream peers and class can learn from EALD learners’ knowledge and experience Reduced time to talk with EALD learner because it may interrupt teacher, video, student presenter EALD learner may be reluctant to speak in front of peers/teacher

12 Collegial support Collegial support is when the teacher and BSSO/SSO work in close partnership to support students It works best when: there is trust between the teacher and BSSO/SSO each person's role is clear and reasonable the working relationship is considered to be a partnership (e.g. teacher seeks formal and regular feedback from BSSO/SSO about students’ strengths and difficulties and BSSO provides considered feedback in a timely way) time is provided for BSSO to give input to teacher for planning and reflection

13 Collegial support Pros Cons
Increased job satisfaction that comes from being a valued peer Teaching program is well informed and targeted to students’ needs Increased flexibility of how BSSOs and teachers work with students to best meet their needs Requires time and effort for teacher and BSSO/SSO to communicate well, provide input to planning and reflect

14 Resources Literacy professional learning BSSO PD days each term Certificate III in Education Support CEASA Associations such as Primary Maths Association that tailor learning for SSOs. More information about how to become a BSSO and how to employ a BSSO is available at

15 Summary The mix of ways BSSOs/SSOs support EALD students should be determined by the school in light of the considerations highlighted in the PowerPoint The three ways discussed in the PowerPoint all have their pros and cons, but when possible In Class support and Collegial support are more likely to allow for more cohesive teaching and learning The mix of ways BSSOs/SSOs support EALD


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