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GEF Climate Change and Chemicals Team November 1, 2013 Financing Climate Change and Chemicals Projects.

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Presentation on theme: "GEF Climate Change and Chemicals Team November 1, 2013 Financing Climate Change and Chemicals Projects."— Presentation transcript:

1 GEF Climate Change and Chemicals Team November 1, 2013 Financing Climate Change and Chemicals Projects

2 GEF Climate Change Mitigation Finance Performed catalytic, innovative, and cost-effective role Led in financing new, emerging low-carbon technologies Pioneered market-based approaches, innovative instruments Invested over $4 billion in more than 600 climate change projects and programs in 157 countries since 1991 Leveraged more than $27 billion co-financing Avoided 2.6 billion tonnes of CO 2 directly Catalyzed reduction of 6.8 billion tonnes through market transformation Provide up to $1.26 billion grant during GEF-5 (2010-2014) GEF is an operating entity of the Financial Mechanism of United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) 2

3 GEF Climate Change Mitigation Program GEF-5 Objective: Support developing countries and economies in transition towards a low-carbon development pathway CO 2 emission reduction target: 500 million tonnes 33

4 Climate Change Mitigation Strategic Objectives for GEF-5 SO1:Demonstration, deployment, and transfer of innovative low-carbon technologies SO2:Market transformation for energy efficiency in industry and the building sector SO3:Investment in renewable energy technologies SO4:Energy efficient, low-carbon transport and urban systems SO5:Conservation and enhancement of carbon stocks through sustainable management of land use and forestry SO6: Enabling activities and capacity building 4

5 GEF-5 CCM Programming by Agency as of March 2013 5

6 Proposed GEF-6 CCM Strategy Program 1: Promote timely development, demonstration & financing of low carbon technologies & policies Program 2: Develop & demonstrate innovative policy packages & market initiatives 1. Promote innovation & technology transfer Program 1: Promote integrated low-carbon systems Program 2: Promote conservation and enhancement of carbon stocks in forest & other land use, & support climate smart agriculture 2. Demonstrate systemic impacts of mitigation options Program 1: Integrate findings of Convention obligations & enabling activities into national planning processes & mitigation targets 3. Foster enabling conditions to mainstream mitigation concerns Goal: To support developing countries and economies in transition in achieving transformational change towards development with low carbon emissions 6

7 Compare GEF-5 and GEF-6 CC Strategies GEF-5 SO 1: Technology transfer SO 2: Energy efficiency SO 3: Renewables energy SO 4: Transport and urban SO 5: LULUCF SO 6: Enabling activities Proposed GEF-6 Objective 1, Program 1: Promote timely development, demonstration, & financing of low carbon technologies and policies Objective 1, Program 2: Develop & demonstrate innovative policy packages and market initiatives to foster a new range of mitigation actions Objective 2, Program 1: Promote integrated low-carbon urban systems Objective 2, Program 2: Promote conservation & enhancement of carbon stocks in forest, & other land-use, & support climate smart agriculture Objective 3, Program 1: Integrate findings of Convention obligations enabling activities into national planning processes & mitigation targets Difference Early stage innovation, tech transfer and risk taking, compliment other climate funds Support voluntary innovative measures, such as performance- based incentives, etc. Links to the special initiative for cities, urban management focus on systematic impacts Inclusion of agriculture, N 2 O and methane, link to signature initiative on food security Connecting Convention obligations, enabling activities with national planning & articulating ways to achieve mitigation targets 7

8 GEF Climate Change Adaptation Program  The GEF’s approach to adaptation is based on the fundamental recognition that climate change affects all aspects of human including social and economic development.  Through the LDCF and SCCF, the Adaptation Program funds the full cost of adaptation, which translates to the term “additional cost”  Our value proposition is to:  Assist the most vulnerable developing countries to address their adaptation priorities;  Assist transition to long-term adaptation  Scale-up multi-focal area projects and programs Strengthening adaptation capacities in the Agricultural Sector – Burkina Faso (LDCF) 8

9 Innovative Features of LDCF/SCCF GEF Trust FundLDCF/SCCF  “Incremental” Cost  Global benefits  STAR  Co-financing  “Additional” Cost Principle  Adaptation benefits  No STAR  Existing BAU Financing  Rolling basis approval for LDCF Coping with Drought and Climate Change – Mozambique (SCCF) 9

10 LDCF and SCCF at a Glance  The most comprehensive and advanced portfolio of adaptation projects and programs  More than 170 projects and programs in more than 110 countries  Countries are rapidly accessing LDCF/SCCF resources $1.1 billion Cumulative Pledges $939.2 million Paid Contributions $890.3 million Grants Approved $4.4 billion Co-Financing 10

11 GEF-6 CCA Draft Programming Strategy: Goal and Objectives GOAL  To increase resilience to the adverse impacts of climate change in vulnerable developing countries, through both near- and long-term adaptation measures. This goal is supported through three strategic objectives. GOAL  To increase resilience to the adverse impacts of climate change in vulnerable developing countries, through both near- and long-term adaptation measures. This goal is supported through three strategic objectives. 1) Reduce Vulnerability 2) Increase Adaptive Capacity 3) Enhance Long-term Adaptation 11

12 GEF-6 Adaptation Programming Priorities Each priority in line with country demand and COP guidance Agriculture and Food SecurityWater Resources ManagementCoastal zone managementInfrastructure (cities, transport, energy)Disaster Risk ManagementNatural Resources managementHealthClimate Information ServicesClimate-Resilient Urban SystemsSmall Island Developing States Increasing Resilience to Climate Variability and Hazards (Kiribati) (LDCF) Cross- Cutting 12

13 GEF Chemicals Cluster –Areas of Work The GEF Chemicals Focal Area includes POPs, ODS, Mercury and Sound Chemicals Management for increased coherence.  Phase out of Persistent Organic Pollutants – Stockholm Convention  Phase out of Ozone Depleting Substance, specifically to Countries with Economies in Transition – Montreal Protocol  Piloted activities on mercury – to support and inform ongoing negotiations of an agreement on Mercury  Pilot activities on chemicals of Global Concern – Related to the Objectives of the Strategic Approach to International Chemicals Management (SAICM), including E-waste, chemicals in products and lead in paint. 13

14 Overview of GEF Investment on POPs Since 2001, GEF has provided US$ 695 million POPs projects – Leveraged over US$ 1.7 billion in co-financing from partners; – Bringing the total GEF POPs portfolio to over US$2.4 billion. To date, GEF has financed National Implementation Plans (NIPs) projects for all developing country Parties requiring support. – 108 Parties submitted their NIPs to the Secretariat of the Stockholm Convention. – 109 GEF post-NIP projects are under implementation. 14

15 GEF Funding of Post-NIP Activities (109 projects) to Address POPs 15

16 GEF-6 Planning: Chemicals and Waste Strategy An integrated Chemicals and Waste Focal Area is planned for GEF-6 Including Stockholm Convention, Montreal Protocol, Minamata Convention on Mercury and SAICM issues 16

17 GEF 6 Chemical and Waste Framework Goal: A significant reduction in the exposure of humans and the environment to hazardous chemicals and waste of global importance ObjectivesPrograms CW 1: Develop the enabling conditions, tools and environment to manage harmful chemicals and wastes Program 1: : Develop and demonstrate new tools and economic approaches for eliminating harmful chemicals and waste Program 2: Support enabling activities and promote their integration into national planning processes, national and sector policies and actions and global monitoring CW 2: Reduce the prevalence of harmful chemicals and waste Program 3: Reduction and elimination of POPs Program 4: : Reduction and elimination of Mercury Program 5: Complete the phase out of ODS in CEITs and assist Article 5 countries under the Montreal Protocol to achieve climate mitigation benefits Program 6: Support regional approaches to eliminate and reduce harmful chemicals and waste in LDCs and SIDS 17

18 Thank you for your attention Questions? Ming Yang (Ph.D.) Global Environment Facility 1818 H Street, NW, Mail Stop P4-400 - Washington, DC 20433 USA Tel: (202) 473-0508 Fax: (202) 522-3240/3245 / 18

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