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MICE VC Alain Blondel 2 August 2007 1 Summary of the MICO meeting 26 July 2007 Overview TargetTarget (CB) Beam line engineering & installationBeam line.

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Presentation on theme: "MICE VC Alain Blondel 2 August 2007 1 Summary of the MICO meeting 26 July 2007 Overview TargetTarget (CB) Beam line engineering & installationBeam line."— Presentation transcript:

1 MICE VC Alain Blondel 2 August 2007 1 Summary of the MICO meeting 26 July 2007 Overview TargetTarget (CB) Beam line engineering & installationBeam line engineering & installation (CN) ToF0 ToF0 (MB) CKOV (GG / LC)LC ToF0 & CKOV integrationToF0 & CKOV integration (WL) Spectrometer spectrometer magnetspectrometer magnet (MZ) tracking detectortracking detector (KL) Integration (SV / KL / WL) Diffuser (WL) Control roomControl room (PK) NetworkNetwork (AO) DAQDAQ (JSG) Controls Infrastructure (BM) Electrical InstallationElectrical Installation (IM) Mechanical ServicesMechanical Services (CN) AoB see details in MICO meeting web page and summary in MICE note 174

2 MICE VC Alain Blondel 2 August 2007 2 Target (Sheffield; C. Booth and P. Smith) Target functioning reliably – 3.7 M actuations over 12 weeks. this is about what we expect from >1 year of operation of MICE Bearing wear considerably reduced with use of leaded bronze further studies to be done with Diamond-like Carbon aim to install in early november

3 MICE VC Alain Blondel 2 August 2007 3 Leaded bronze bearings after 1.5 M pulses <-- Brass bearing after x pulses

4 MICE VC Alain Blondel 2 August 2007 4 Dust at bottom of housing (after 1.5 M operations) Expect <1% of this to fall in ISIS vacuum pipe Is this acceptable to ISIS? proposal will be discussed with Steve Pin, writen up and sent to David Findlay for approval. Alternative – DLC (Diamond-like carbon) coated shaft & bearings received new shafts from Oxford. Will send off shaft & bearings for commercial coating Test will take at least 3 weeks (2 M pulses) once received. ready in october?

5 MICE VC Alain Blondel 2 August 2007 5 Beam line engineering and installation (sketch!) magnets Q1-3 and B1 installed, not connected to power and services Magnets Q1 and B1 have been measured Sand bags will be requested in the hole from MICE to ISIS only after measurements in shielded area Magnet B2 is in place in recess position need alignment, water, power shielding is complete (today) PSI solenoid will be moved there for cold test Q4-Q9 refurbishment in this zone, Q4 is reassembled schedule for completion to be drawn MICE Local Control Room MLCR to be finished in october Linde plant

6 MICE VC Alain Blondel 2 August 2007 6 THE DIPOLE B2 in place (recess position)

7 MICE VC Alain Blondel 2 August 2007 7 PSI solenoid successful repair with help of Walter Gloor one of the tie-rods to the cold mass had also fallen off. Magnet is actually in good condition. Plan is to finish off repairs at front of solenoid, MLI insulation and replace the cover. Next is cold test and Linde refrigerator will be needed, but there is a legal issue as the certification of the whole assembly by Linde is missing (not just parts). next is collecting cold box etc... timescale is September mid October the latest. The position in the hall for cold testing is on the south side of the hall It does not interfere with possible test or installation of detectors on the beam line. Action keep pushing for the Linde contract to be signed. (Tom Bradshaw)

8 MICE VC Alain Blondel 2 August 2007 8 Tracker -- 9 tracker stations have been completed by now. (5 for one tracker) Still a few problems with the light validation bench. No dead channels seen and a few only have apparently a little less light. Main and urgent issues the need for specification of path of the low voltage cables and need to define the fire alarm system to have permission take the spares from D0. Fermilab will go ahead with a design using the VESDA system. Spectrometer solenoid on track and progressing well (See Steve V. talk) EXPECTED delivery of solenoid I at FNAL end december 2007 and at RAL 2 month later (late february) after magnetic measurements. ==> start step II in April. began winding of second solenoid Integration in solenoid (lau): PID shield being finalized with Ghislain Diffuser drawings internally reviewed; external reviewers will be sent material asap. NB these are typical technical coordinator actions...... we stumble on those at the moment

9 MICE VC Alain Blondel 2 August 2007 9 Magnet 1 Cold Mass after Banding Coil M1 Coil M2 End Coil 1 Center Coil End Coil 1 Quench Protection System

10 MICE VC Alain Blondel 2 August 2007 10 Magnet 1 Cold Mass Supports Cold Support Band Intercept Clevis Warm Support Band Warm Adjustment Screw Cold Band Bearing

11 MICE VC Alain Blondel 2 August 2007 11 Magnet 1 Quench Protection System Quench Protection Resistors Cold Diodes

12 MICE VC Alain Blondel 2 August 2007 12 CKOV Parts of the first (of 2) detector have arrived at RAL (+ L.Cremaldi and David) Customs overcome with 'magic words' – not totally smooth, but getting there! Aerogel, box, mirrors (From USA) and phototubes (from Trieste) will be ready in september second CKOV could be there for November. Support being build under supervision by W. Lau (Oxford) TOF0/1 being built in Milano, delivery at RAL 1st November with laser calibration system DAQ delivered by JS Graulich and V Verguilov. All installed in R12. --> DAQ workshop 23-25 July: -- interface with software and data storage -- transmission of knowledge to tracker group (James Leaver et al) -- empahsized need for Controls and Monitoring task (Daresbury) to begin (Target control, beam magnets, safety)

13 MICE VC Alain Blondel 2 August 2007 13 DAQ -- Installation @ RAL In R12 (East) 2 VME Crates - 2 Interfaces - 2 Trg Receiver - TDC V1290 - Scaler V830 - fADC V1724 1 PCs 2 NIM Crate 1 Network Switch 2 Scint. + PMT from IC

14 MICE VC Alain Blondel 2 August 2007 14 this shows cable routings, control room etc... and was sent to all MICE for verification (A. Oates) WBS leaders should look at the diagram of electrical and mechanical services, and find out if any requirements that are known to them are close enough to the foreseen outlets.

15 MICE VC Alain Blondel 2 August 2007 15 MAIN MESSAGES MICE is recovering from the major hickup (Project manager resignation) and associated collateral dammages (PSI solenoid, lapses of communication, delays in refurbishment of quads etc...) thanks to the dedication of many MICE and Ken Long and Chris Nelson in particular. -- Priority #1 is to ensure that full beam line is ready for step I data taking at the end of the christmas shutdown (20 January) -- It appears desirable and possible (though not certain at the moment) that beam provided by a simplified version of the beam line (target, Q1-Q3, B1, B2) could be operational in November together with a good fraction of detectors (CKOV, TOF, perhaps even the tracker) taking advantage of ISIS developments breaks in septembre and maintenance break on 4-8 November. -- this is a natural step in the debugging of the beam line and would allow major test of the part of the beam line that is installed in the ISIS vault (--> possible fixes in the Xmas shut down) -- calibration of pions/ISIS irradiation, a major unknown at the moment. -- shake-down of the detectors and DAQ, installation in the control room -- generally keeps the momentum rolling and avoids work pilup in february Meanwhile detectors will be integrated with Cosmics in R12 mezzanine Uncertainties concern target, PSI solenoid, controls and Hall installation; The rest of MICE is on schedule

16 MICE VC Alain Blondel 2 August 2007 16  Aspirational MICE Schedule as of july 2007 15 November 2007 Or January 2008 STEP I April 2008 STEP III July 2008 STEP II STEP IV Delivery of 1st FC May 2009 STEP V summer 2009 STEP VI end 2009 (or 2010) UK PHASE I UK PHASE II

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