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Communities around the world Are they the same everywhere?

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Presentation on theme: "Communities around the world Are they the same everywhere?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Communities around the world Are they the same everywhere?

2 Three kinds of communities Rural Rural Rural Suburb Suburb Suburb Urban Urban Urban Click on picture

3 Rural In rural areas we will find small communities that are usually called towns. In rural areas we will find small communities that are usually called towns. There we find wide open spaces used for growing plants for food and raising animals. There we find wide open spaces used for growing plants for food and raising animals. Rural areas look different in other parts of the world. Rural areas look different in other parts of the world.

4 Rural Few houses (Europe/Alps)Europe/Alps

5 Rural RanchesRanches and FarmsFarms (United States)

6 Rural Germany USA Italy

7 Rural Rural area USA Rural area USA Rural area Europe Rural area Europe Rural area Asia Rural area Asia

8 Suburb Suburbs are usually located near a city. Suburbs are usually located near a city. Many people live there, but this community is more quiet than an urban area. Many people live there, but this community is more quiet than an urban area. Not much public transportation Not much public transportation People need to use their cars to go to work and to the stores. People need to use their cars to go to work and to the stores. Some stores are in the neighborhood. Some stores are in the neighborhood.

9 Suburb Germany USA

10 Suburb Suburb area USA Suburb area USA Suburb Europe Suburb Europe Suburb Asia Suburb Asia

11 Urban Many times urban areas are crowded with people coming or going to work, shopping, and visiting parks. Many times urban areas are crowded with people coming or going to work, shopping, and visiting parks. Urban areas have many means of transportation like subways, taxis, buses, and more. Urban areas have many means of transportation like subways, taxis, buses, and more. People also drive their cars, but traffic can be awful. People also drive their cars, but traffic can be awful.

12 Urban

13 Urban Urban area USA Urban area USA Urban area USA Urban area USA Urban area Germany 2, 3, 4 Urban area Germany 2, 3, 4 Urban area Germany234 Urban area Germany234 Urban area Asia Urban area Asia Urban area Asia Urban area Asia

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