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Community Preparedness Group ( Todd M Butler D.M.D. Copyright © 2014 Community Preparedness Group. All rights reserved.

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1 Community Preparedness Group ( Todd M Butler D.M.D. Copyright © 2014 Community Preparedness Group. All rights reserved.

2 If you’re prepared you can turn a disaster into an adventure. Be Prepared Without proper preparation you can turn the best adventure into a nightmare.

3 Silver Sulfadiazine (Silvadene) Prescription topical antibiotic Silver Ion React with chemicals and turn into silver particles. Colloidal Silver nanoparticles Colloidal Silver The difference between silver ions and silver particles boils down to the fact that silver ions combine with chloride ions to form silver chloride and silver particles do not.

4 Colloidal Silver  Tested Colloidal Silver on  Candida Albicans  24 hours undetectable  E. coli  24 hours undetectable  Staphylococcus aureus  24 hours undetectable  Pseudomonas aeruginosa  24 hours undetectable  Enterococcus faecalis  5 hours undetectable  VRS  Vancomycin resistant Staph  24 hours undetectable  EMSL Analytical, Inc  Microbiology Division Colloidal silver can kill certain germs by binding to and destroying proteins.

5 Colloidal Silver  Despite these concerns about safety and effectiveness, people still buy colloidal silver as a dietary supplement and use it for a wide range of ailments. Colloidal silver is used to treat infections due to yeast; bacteria (tuberculosis, Lyme disease, bubonic plague, pneumonia, leprosy, gonorrhea, syphilis, scarlet fever, stomach ulcers, cholera); parasites (ringworm, malaria); and viruses (HIV/AIDS, pneumonia, herpes, shingles, warts).  WebMD  Colloidal silver is a mineral. Despite promoters’ claims, silver has no known function in the body and is not an essential mineral supplement. Colloidal silver products were once available as over-the- counter products, but in 1997, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) ruled that colloidal silver drug products were not considered safe or effective. Colloidal silver products marketed for medical purposes or promoted for unproven uses are now considered “misbranded” under the law.

6 Colloidal Silver

7 Living with MRSA  Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus  Wash your hands often  Be healthy  Take care of your skin  Cover infected area to avoid spreading MRSA  Talk to heath care provider.

8 First Aid Kit

9 First Aid Supplies  Basic first aid supplies  Adhesive tape and self adhesive sports tape  Antibiotic ointment  Antiseptic solution or towelettes  Bandages, including a roll of elastic wrap ( Ace, Coban, others) and bandage strips (Band-Aid, Curad, others) in assorted sizes  Instant cold pack  Hemostatic collagen pack  Cotton balls and cotton-tipped swabs  Disposable latex or synthetic gloves, at least two pair  Duct tape  First Aid Manual

10 First Aid Supplies  Basic first aid supplies  Gauze pads and roller gauze in assorted sizes  Petroleum jelly or other lubricant  Plastic bags for the disposal of contaminated materials  Safety pins in assorted sizes  Scissors, hemostat, and tweezers  3 to 5 sutures ( chromic gut or silk  Soap or instant hand sanitizer  Sterile eyewash, such as saline solution  Thermometer  Triangular bandage  Turkey baster or bulb suction device for flushing out wounds

11 First Aid Supplies  Medications  Activated Charcoal ( use only if instructed by you poison control center  Aloe Vera gel  Anti-diarrhea medication  Over-the-counter oral antihistamine, such as diphenhydramine ( Benadryl, others)  Aspirin and non aspirin pain relievers ( never give aspirin to children  Calamine lotion  Over-the-counter hydrocortisone cream  Personal medications that don’t need refrigeration  EpiPen

12 First Aid Supplies  Emergency Items  Emergency space blanket  Sunscreen  Candles and matches  Small, waterproof flashlight and extra batteries  Flare  Medical history forms for each family member  Medical consent forms for each family member  Emergency Phone numbers, including contact information for your family doctor and pediatrician, local emergency services, emergency road service providers and the regional poison control center

13 Tick Removal  If you find a tick attached to your skin, there's no need to panic. There are several tick removal devices on the market, but a plain set of fine-tipped tweezers will remove a tick quite effectively.  Avoid folklore remedies such as "painting" the tick with nail polish or petroleum jelly, or using heat to make the tick detach from the skin. Your goal is to remove the tick as quickly as possible--not waiting for it to detach.  How to remove a tick  Use fine-tipped tweezers to grasp the tick as close to the skin's surface as possible.  Pull upward with steady, even pressure. Don't twist or jerk the tick; this can cause the mouth-parts to break off and remain in the skin. If this happens, remove the mouth- parts with tweezers. If you are unable to remove the mouth easily with clean tweezers, leave it alone and let the skin heal.  After removing the tick, thoroughly clean the bite area and your hands with rubbing alcohol, an iodine scrub, or soap and water. Follow up If you develop a rash or fever within several weeks of removing a tick, see your doctor. Be sure to tell the doctor about your recent tick bite, when the bite occurred, and where you most likely acquired the tick.

14 Poisonous Arachnids SpiderScorpion  Most common in this area: Black Widow  The majority of spider bites are not dangerous.  Black widow bite often causes painful muscle cramps all over the body, and extreme pain in the stomach muscles which become rigid.  Some scorpions are far more poisonous than others. To adults, scorpion stings are rarely dangerous. Take aspirin and if possible put ice on the sting to help calm the pain. For the numbness, and pain that sometimes last weeks or months, hot compresses may he helpful.

15 Snake Bite  Remain calm.  Immobilize the bitten arm or leg, and stay as quiet as possible to keep the poison from spreading through your body.  Remove jewelry before you start to swell.  Position yourself, if possible, so that the bite is at or below the level of your heart.  Cleanse the wound, but don't flush it with water, and cover it with a clean, dry dressing.  Apply a splint to reduce movement of the affected area, but keep it loose enough so as not to restrict blood flow.  Don't use a tourniquet or apply ice.  Don't cut the wound or attempt to remove the venom.  Don't drink caffeine or alcohol.  Don't try to capture the snake, but try to remember its color and shape so you can describe it, which will help in your treatment.

16 Snake Bite Home Remedy  Pat Moss, who was bitten by a rattlesnake, made a list of eighteen remedies to help you heal from a rattlesnake bite.  ice/ice water immersion for six hours (to slow down the venom)  drink LOTS of pure water (to flush venom to the kidneys)  powdered vitamin C (to detoxify poisons/venom in the body)  bromelain concentrate from pineapple (to directly dissolve/disable snake venom: pure protein)  aloe vera fresh leaves and concentrate (to heal the snake bite wound and skin, and to detoxify the body)  milk thistle (to strengthen the liver, since all toxins go through the liver)  echinacea and goldenseal (to strengthen the immune system and to detoxify the body)  ABC blood detox (to detoxify the blood)  Chinese Pai Yao pills (popular Oriental snake bite remedy)  vitamins and minerals, including zinc, vitamins E and B12 (to promote muscle/tissue healing and repair)  Colloidal silver 5 ppm solution (for vitamins and minerals and as an anti-bacterial)  castor oil (to dress the wound, and to act as anti-bacterial and laxative)  fresh red grapes and red grape juice (for easy-to-digest nutrition and to increase immune response)  fresh pineapple (venom solvent and digestive enzymes)  vitamin A from fresh baby carrots (for skin healing)  prunes (for natural laxative)  chicken broth (for easy-to-digest nutrition)  Prayers from dear friends (most potent remedy!)

17 Cleaning a wound  Remove any foreign objects  Clean wound  ( turkey baster and clean water, saline solution)  Antiseptic

18 Closing a wound  Align opposing sides of tissue  Place suture ( don’t pull knot to tight)

19 Closing A Wound

20 Protecting a Wound  Place Hemostatic pad if necessary  Cover with appropriate size bandage  Apply pressure non-stop for 15 minutes  if heavy bleeding is present. Don’t remove pressure to see if it has stopped or the wound will reopen and clotting factors have to start over.

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