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Warm-UP NoteBook – ORGANIZE Earth, Moon and Sun Study Guide Vocabulary

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1 Warm-UP NoteBook – ORGANIZE Earth, Moon and Sun Study Guide Vocabulary Warm-UP/Notes 2/12/2015 WARM-UP – True or False The sky seems to turn because Earth stays still. Mass is the force that keeps a satellite in orbit around an object in space Earth is a satellite of the sun.

2 2.1 Earth rotates on a tilted axis and orbits the sun.
Earth’s rotation causes day and night Earth’s gravity pulls objects toward the center of the Earth As the Earth turns so do you BUT you keep the same position with what is below your feet; the view above your head changes. North, South, East and West are based on the Earth’s rotation Axis of Rotation – an imaginary line running through the center of the Earth; its ends are the north and south poles. Any location on the Earth moves from WEST to EAST as the Earth turns.

3 At any one time ½ of the Earth is in darkness and ½ is in sunlight
It takes 24 hours for the Earth to make a complete rotation on its axis. Sunlight = daytime middle of sunlight side=noon Darkness = night middle of dark side = midnight

4 Earth’s tilted axis and orbit cause seasons
Sun’s gravity causes the Earth to be pulled toward the sun’s center Earth moves sideways, at nearly a right angle to the sun’s direction. This causes a round orbit Revolution – motion of one object around another. (revolve) The Earth revolves around the sun – 365 days /1 year Video: The movement of the Earth

5 Earth is tilted on it’s axis at a 23.5 degree angle
Earth’s axis is always tilted the same direction in space. Earth’s orbit is not a perfect circle Earth is closer to the sun in January than it is in July Seasonal Patterns Seasons –patterns of temperature changes and other weather trends over the course of a year. Amount of sunlight = temperature change tilt of Earth’s axis As the Earth travels around the Sun, the area of sunlight in each hemisphere changes.

6 Equinox – sunlight shines equally on the northern and southern hemispheres; ½ of each hemisphere is in sunlight and ½ is in darkness – sunlight centered on the equator September Equinox - beginning of Fall in the northern hemisphere beginning of Spring - southern hemisphere March Equinox beginning of Spring – northern hemisphere beginning of Fall - northern hemisphere

7 Solstice – the area of sunlight is at its greatest in one hemisphere and is at a minimum in the other hemisphere December Solstice Northern Hemisphere North pole seems to tilt away from the sun North pole in complete darkness Winter solstice 2. Southern Hemisphere South pole seems to tilt toward the sun South pole is in complete sunlight Summer solstice

8 Opposite of December solstice
June Solstice Opposite of December solstice North pole seems to tilt toward the sun Beginning of summer in the Northern Hemisphere South pole seems to tilt away from the sun Beginning of winter in the Southern Hemisphere

9 Angle of light affects temperature
Angles of Sunlight Angle of light affects temperature Sun high in the sky Sun low in the sky Sunlight strikes close to a right angle Sunlight strikes at a slant Energy of sun is concentrated Energy of sun is spread out Shadows are short Shadows are long sunburn warms less

10 Lengths of Days The farther you get from the Equator, the more extreme the changes in day length become Close to the poles – Sun does NOT set for 6 months at a time Near the equator – daylight and darkness are almost equal year-round; about 12 hours each Video: Seasons

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