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Policy context: Implementation and the role of schools. Molly Robertson Sexual Health and HIV Team Scottish Government.

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1 Policy context: Implementation and the role of schools. Molly Robertson Sexual Health and HIV Team Scottish Government


3 Sexual Health in Scotland Teenage pregnancy rate of 55.7 pregnancies per 1,000 females 4 times higher pregnancy rate and ten times higher delivery rate in most deprived communities Termination rate 12.4 per 1,000 females. Double the rate in deprived areas. STIs – general increase in diagnoses over the past 5 years.

4 Sexual Health and Wider Policy Context Respect and Responsibility – “to promote a broad understanding of sexual health and sexual relationships that encompass emotions, attitudes and social context” The Early Years Framework, Equally Well and Achieving our Potential

5 Work at national level to help support delivery Learning and Teaching Scotland Partnership concordat between NHS Health Scotland and LTS On agenda of National Sexual Health and HIV Advisory Committee Level of engagement between health and education is part of sexual health performance management arrangements

6 Routes to success of RSHP programmes Close engagement and buy-in at senior level in local authority and health board Whole school approach to H&WB. Confidence of teachers to deliver is key. -Training out of the classroom pays dividends. Creative approaches to delivery. Work on RSHP at school can help to engage with parents on other issues Use of evidence-based materials

7 Learning and Teaching Scotland The Optima, 58 Robertson Street, Glasgow G2 8DU Customer Services: 08700 100 297 Website:

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