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+ Reading comprehension + Work in pairs & communicate orally + Attitude towards weird habits in the USA.

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1 + Reading comprehension + Work in pairs & communicate orally + Attitude towards weird habits in the USA

2 icing gather grab gloppy pooped bakery loiter coddling stand-in slobber potty training pitter-patter spouse

3 icing gather grab gloppy pooped bakery loiter coddling stand-in slobber potty training pitter-patter spouse sucre glassejat en un pastís reunir (-se) agafar (un objecte) Viscós, xiclós fatigat, cansat forn de pa (+ pastisseria) perdre el temps, gandulejar mimos, cures mimoses, mimitos suplent babejar aprendre a fer pipi repiqueteo, sorollet de cops cònjuge, consort

4 icingsucre glassejat en un pastís gatherreunir (-se) grabagafar (un objecte) gloppyViscós, xiclós poopedfatigat, cansat bakeryforn de pa (+ pastisseria) loiterperdre el temps, gandulejar coddlingmimos, cures mimoses, mimitos stand-insuplent slobberbabejar potty trainingaprendre a fer pipi pitter-patterrepiqueteo, sorollet de cops spousecònjuge, consort

5 Activity 1: Look at the headline and read (or listen to) paragraph 1. What seems to be going on? □ a girl’s birthday party □ a wedding ceremony □ a cake competition

6 It ___________ that a little girl called Sophie is celebrating her 4th birthday by eating cake and ____________, singing and opening __________ with a friend called Duncan, a group of other little ____________ and some adults. The “homemade” cake with red icing, the camera, the birthday song, the fact Duncan takes food from another guest’s plate, the opening of gifts by the girl – all of this ________ the reader think the article is about ___________. Complete the text with the suitable words from the box: children ice-cream makes seems gifts guests seems ice-cream gifts guests makes children

7 What is actually taking place? (choose the right option) □ Actually, a girl called Sophie (and her parents) has organised a birthday party. □ Actually, Sophie and Duncan (and half of the other guests) are not children but dogs. □ Actually, Sophie and Duncan are 4-year-old children. □ Nowadays, Sophie and Duncan are not children but dogs.

8 What is the meaning of the expression “a party animal” in line 9? □ it means a party for animals, where the guests are animals (pets). □ it’s a word game; meaning a person who is used to going to a lot of parties. □ it’s a word game; meaning a person who organises parties.

9 Activity 4: Find 4 names of places in paragraph 2. Seattle Hong KongAsiaAmerica

10 in paragraph 2. the journalist’s recent life: the cultural differences she observes: her reaction: Write full sentences. Describe (& sum up): She has just arrived in Seattle. She has spent a few years in Hong Kong. A great number of Americans treat their dogs like kings. Asian people prefer to cook and eat dog rather than stroke it. She is stunned by the contrast in the treatment of dogs shown in the two regions of the world.

11 Home lifeFestivitiesMedical and psychological treatments Activity 5: Read paragraph 3. What has changed for dogs in America? Write notes: doghouse master bedroom Sleep in same bed Owner takes allergy pills !! weddings dressed in tuxedoes Halloween party Dressed as dragon Eat luxury food Expensive gifts Chinese medicine Vitamin supplements looked after by people with M.A.s in educational psuchology

12 It’s no longer ___________ correct to call the person to whom the dog belongs “owner” of the dog, because dogs are referred to as “ __________”. The journalist explains that this need to consider one’s pets as one’s family is no doubt _________the fact that more and more Americans are __________ – they are staying _____or have decided not to have children. Complete the text with the suitable words from the box: childless family politically due to single politically family due to childless single

13 Activity 7: Which family members can dogs replace? Children!! They are pleasant to look at! They show a lot of affection Dogs have similar habits! Husbands or wives!! They can help people to overcome sadness!

14 The very humanis revealed. The dog’s very human need for of the radio programme. The reader thinks human beings are the subject medical treatment in order to keep calm. Gradually, the dog’s identityname of the dog (Emily) Activity 8: What ’ s the link between the radio programme (mentioned at the end of the text) and the end of the text? Match the parts of the sentences:

15 Identify the type of document, the author and the source of the text. This document is an article published in the magazine “Newsweek” on the 13 th of January 2003. The author of the article is unknown. The article is illustrated with a photograph; it is an advertisement for Visa Gold which is a bank card. It is an ad because we can see the logo in the top right- hand corner and a slogan at the bottom.

16 Activity 9: Read the slogan at the bottom of the photo. How can you link it with the text? Explain its double meaning. Firstly, it means that people with money can do as they wish. Secondly, even if they are not rich, people who have the Visa Gold card can do exactly what they want.

17 What do you think about these weird attitudes?

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