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GRADE 3.  Where are you from?  What’s your nationality?  What is the capital of Azerbaijan?  Where do you live?  Where do you live in Ganja?

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Presentation on theme: "GRADE 3.  Where are you from?  What’s your nationality?  What is the capital of Azerbaijan?  Where do you live?  Where do you live in Ganja?"— Presentation transcript:


2  Where are you from?  What’s your nationality?  What is the capital of Azerbaijan?  Where do you live?  Where do you live in Ganja?

3  What is it?  How many rooms has he got?  Has he got a kitchen?  Has he got a hall?  Is the hall long?

4  What has Bob got in his living room?  What colour is the sofa?  Is the carpet big?  How many chairs has Bob got in his living room?

5  What has Bob got in his bedroom?  Is the lamp in the living room?  How many pillows can you see on the bed?  Has Bob got a mirror in the bedroom?  What colour is the curtain?

6 My flat a living room a bedroom a bathroom a kitchen?

7  Is the bed in the room?  How many pillows can you see?  Is the desk in the room?  What colour is the chair?  Is the carpet big?

8 SB ex.1 p. 56

9  a picture  a bookcase  books  a computer  a chair  a lamp  a telephone  a bed  a carpet in his room.






15  Whose room is this?  Has Samir got a computer?  Where are the books?  Where is the picture?  Is the computer on the desk?  Is the telephone on the bed? Where is the telephone?  Where is the carpet?  Read the text.

16 Whose room is this? What has Kate got in her room? Where are the books? Where is the clock? What colour is the arm-chair? What has Tom got in his room? Where is the picture? What colour is the blanket? Where are the books? Has Tom got a computer? Where is the computer? Write a short text.

17 Kate’s room Tom’s room

18  I have got … in my room.

19  WB ex. 3 p. 53  Draw the picture of your room and write what you have got in it.


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