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Ученицы 5 А класса Фоминой Дианы

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Presentation on theme: "Ученицы 5 А класса Фоминой Дианы"— Presentation transcript:

1 Ученицы 5 А класса Фоминой Дианы
The house of my dream Ученицы 5 А класса Фоминой Дианы

2 This is a house of my dream. There are ten rooms in it
This is a house of my dream. There are ten rooms in it. There are two living-rooms, three bedrooms, a kitchen, a toilet, two bathrooms and a big balcony in it.

3 This is my first living-room. There are two sofas in
This is my first living-room. There are two sofas in.There is a fireplace at the wall. There are three big windows near the fireplace. There are bright curtains on the windows. There is a picture opposite the windows. There is a coffee table in the middle of the room. There is a nice carpet on the floor. My living-room is comfortable.

4 This is my second living- room. It is quite
This is my second living- room.It is quite. There are two armchairs next to the coffee table. There is a coffee table in the middle of the room. There is a beautiful sofa at the wall. There is a big TV opposite the sofa. There is a nice carpet on the floor. This is a nice room.

5 There is my sister’s bedroom. It is white. It is nice
There is my sister’s bedroom. It is white. It is nice. There is a beautiful white bed in it. There is a big window in the bedroom. There are white curtains in it. This is a nice room.

6 This is a room for guests. It is not big
This is a room for guests. It is not big. There are two beds at the wall. There are two chairs next to the beds.

7 This is my room. It is pink and white
This is my room. It is pink and white. There is a bed in the middle of the room. The walls are pink. There are bright pink curtains on the big window. My room is very nice.

8 This is my kitchen. There is a big table in the kitchen
This is my kitchen.There is a big table in the kitchen. There is a new sink in it. There is a beautiful lamp in the kitchen. My kitchen is lovely.

9 There are two bathrooms in my house. The first bathroom is wonderful
There are two bathrooms in my house. The first bathroom is wonderful.. There is a TV in the bath. And what do you think about my bathroom? There is my sister’s bathroom. It is also wonderful, as well as mine.

10 This is a toilet. There is a sink in it. It is bright, small and nice.

11 This is a swimming pool. It is big.

12 This is a balcony. It is very big
This is a balcony. It is very big. There are many sofas and coffee tables in it. There is a nice floor. There is a wonderful ceiling in it. It is very large.

13 This is a hall. There are two sofas in the hall
This is a hall. There are two sofas in the hall. There are two coffee tables in it. There are two pines and a beautiful pink floor.


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