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31 Practical Tips for the Proverbs 31 Mom Presented by Andie Davidson.

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1 31 Practical Tips for the Proverbs 31 Mom Presented by Andie Davidson




5 Preparing Yourself…

6 Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it. Proverbs 4:23 Tip #1 The state of your heart is often the state of your home…

7 Tip #2 Stay in the Word and maintain consistent fellowship with Him in prayer If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing. John 15

8 Tip #3 Do not resist the Holy Spirit’s sanctification through your homeschooling journey But women will be saved through childbearing--if they continue in faith, love and holiness with propriety. 1 Tim. 2:15

9 Tip #4 Cheerfully & faithfully adjust to the workload that the Lord gives you in each season Whether, then, you eat or drink or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God. 1 Cor. 10:31

10 Tip #5 Remember, God’s grace is not a limited commodity so give it freely and trust Him to refill you

11 Tip #6 Be like David, stop listening to yourself and start talking to yourself Why, my soul, are you downcast? Why so disturbed within me? Put your hope in God, for I will yet praise him, my Savior and my God. Psalm 43:5 “Have you realized that most of your unhappiness in life is due to the fact that you are listening to yourself instead of talking to yourself? Take those thoughts that come to you the moment you wake up in the morning. You have not originated them, but they start talking to you, they bring back the problems of yesterday…” - Dr. Martin Lloyd Jones

12 Tip #7 Set goals for yourself and your family Plan a date night with your spouse to set some annual goals for your family Write down your personal goals & ask a friend to keep you accountable Physical Goals Reading Goals Quiet Time Goals Child Training Goals Homeschooling Goals

13 Tip #8 Treat your body like a tool, not a treasure… Prepare physically Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies. 1 Cor. 6:19-20

14 Tip #9 Adopt a biblical philosophy of ‘Me time’ “There is no getting around the fact That to give yourself wholeheartedly to the rearing of children Will eliminate you from a lot of activities your friends are enjoying And often from activities that seem to be obligations Not merely social, but perhaps church, Family, business and civic ones. You will have to ask God for wisdom to choose And the guts to stick to the choice. Don’t pay attention to “you-owe-it-to-yourself” talk. You owe nothing to yourself, and everything to God.” ~ Elisabeth Elliot ~

15 Preparing Your Home…

16 Tip # 10 Establish a daily family schedule and routine Managers of Their Homes by Terri Maxwell (

17 Tip #11 Set up a home management binder * 31 Day Homeschool Bootcamp 5 Types: * 3 Ring Notebook * Simple Spiral Notebook * Clip Board System * Digital Planners – iphone with apps * Traditional Franklin Planner Type

18 Tip #12 Do a ‘frustration-walk-through’ with a friend or spouse

19 Tip #13 Do a ruthless de-clutter of your home

20 Tip #14 Make a list of P&O Projects (purge & organize)

21 Tip #15 Determine the location of your homeschool & set up systems for a good use of the space



24 Recommended Book – Teaching Montessori in the Home Sue Patrick’s Workbox System

25 Tip #16 Do a Toy-Makeover Steps to a Toy Makeover 1.Gather all toys into the living room 2.Sort into like piles and purge 3.Only keep toys that can be stored in containers 4.Buy plastic containers and put toys in them 5.Find a location to store tubs 6.Train your children to ‘check out’ and ‘return’ toy boxes 7.Do regular maintenance


27 Tip #17 Determine a laundry system 5 Most Common Laundry Systems 1.Room by Room System 2.Personal Responsibility System 3.Three Basket System 4.Laundry Day Per Week 5.Load a Day by Lunch * Consider a Family Closet – think outside the box!

28 Tip 18# Develop a chore system Managers of their Chores By Terri Maxwell

29 Tip #19 Enforce the chore system! Six Steps to a Successful Chore System 1.Tell them what you expect – post it in writing 2.Show them 3.Do it with them 4.Supervised practice 5.Independent practice 6.Accountability Checks You can only expect what you are willing to inspect Always keep a running list on the fridge of things you can delegate and extra chores for discipline

30 Tip #20 Develop a clothing system

31 Tip #21 Develop a cleaning system

32 Tip #22 Develop a meal planning & shopping system

33 Tip #23 Develop a bill pay and office work system

34 Preparing Your Children…

35 Tip #24 Find a mentor and be willing to learn from them, Humble yourself

36 Tip #25 Scour God’s Word and other books on child training Recommended Books… Proverbs Shepherding Your Child’s Heart - Tripp What the Bible Says about Child Training - Fugate

37 Tip #26 Set goals with your spouse and define the standards and consequences Free Printables available at

38 Tip #27 Believe that discipline = love The Lord disciplines the one he loves, and he chastens everyone he accepts as his son. Hebrews 12:6

39 Tip # 28 Remember the goal is for your children to not simply conform to the standard but to love the standard Oh, how I love your law! I meditate on it all day long. Psalm 119:97

40 Tip #29 Remember that law and grace are friends, don’t polarize them

41 Tip #30 Use the Four Steps of Child training based on 2 Tim. 3:16 Free Printables available at

42 Tip #31 Feed your children (spiritual) food every day

43 “His divine power has given us everything we need for life and godliness through our knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and goodness.” 2 Peter 1:3

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