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Why should I come to the national climate rallies on Saturday June 13 th ?

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Presentation on theme: "Why should I come to the national climate rallies on Saturday June 13 th ?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Why should I come to the national climate rallies on Saturday June 13 th ?

2 Right now, the Rudd Government is trying to get its Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme through Parliament.

3 It is a deeply flawed scheme that will have no significant effect whatsoever on the climate problem. We need to tell the government to go back to the drawing board and start again.

4 Also, later this year, in December, Australia goes to Copenhagen to make global carbon agreements.

5 … and this in turn means that we, the people, must build the biggest and strongest climate movement we can.

6 Then the government will feel pressured to sign up to serious carbon reduction targets at Copenhagen.

7 We must be so big, and so powerful, that we out-weigh the coal and other fossil fuel lobby groups, who have held Canberra captive for so long.

8 Can we do it?

9 The Earth needs serious help – not 5% token carbon reductions.

10 Already the Arctic is melting from too much carbon in the air – we must not only slow the growth of CO2 in the atmosphere – we have to actually reduce it.

11 This means committing ourselves to drastic carbon reductions – there is no other way. Humans cannot negotiate with an increasingly chaotic climate – it will not listen.

12 Al Gore has called for 100% renewable energy by 2020 as the only way to avoid climate catastrophe. We repeat this call.

13 In the 1960s, the US committed itself to putting a human on the moon by the end of the decade. A huge percentage of the national economy was channelled towards this end, and they achieved the “impossible”.

14 Likewise, we need to build a movement that says to our government: “We are ready to set ourselves an even more important challenge for the next decade.”

15 “We demand an economy that is channelled towards this essential task.”

16 “We demand a responsible government that will look after not only this generation, but generations to come.”

17 Join the thousands on June 13 th calling for this new vision – calling for an uncompromising policy of protection for the Earth and all its inhabitants.

18 100% renewables by 2020! Green jobs – no job cuts! A strong international agreement with climate justice for all! Climate policies that make the big polluters pay!

19 Please rally at 11 am, Sat June 13 th, Victoria Square, for a march to Rymill Park. Speakers, bands, theatre, and a Climate Festival at the end of the march!

20 Be part of the movement for change right now: please pass this on to as many in your networks as you can. - and if you would like to help actively build the rally, or join our Climate Emergency Action Network, please contact us at: or our website at:

21 See you there!

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