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WORDPRESS WEBSITE WORKSHOP Part 1: Building a Web Presence with WordPress Karen & Brad Trivers (902) 940-2044

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Presentation on theme: "WORDPRESS WEBSITE WORKSHOP Part 1: Building a Web Presence with WordPress Karen & Brad Trivers (902) 940-2044"— Presentation transcript:

1 WORDPRESS WEBSITE WORKSHOP Part 1: Building a Web Presence with WordPress Karen & Brad Trivers (902) 940-2044

2 How much does a website cost?  Domain name registration   Hosting   Email - Do You Have An Online Account?  Gmail  = $240.00 - $325.00 per year  Create Content, Design Site and Implement  Use a CMS (Content Management System) to save $$$

3 WordPress CMS  CMS = Content Management System  – “free” WordPress hosting  paid for by ads on your website  can pay to remove ads, register domain, etc. see for pricing  – paid hosting  completely customizable  use “plugins” to add features SEO, Calendar, e-Commerce, AdSense, Forms, Multi-lingual

4 – “free” website  Must have access to an email account (e.g. Gmail)  What’s all this about “blogs”?  Sign up at  Email yourself your: Username Password Domain (e.g. )  Activate your account  Upload avatar using “Gravatar”  Settings : Public Profile

5 WP Admin - The “Dashboard”  Viewing Your Website (“Blog”)  Anatomy of your website  Header  Menu  Content  Sidebar  Footer

6 Appearance  Themes - “Twenty Eleven” used in training  Header  Background  Theme Options  Menus

7 Adding Content  Pages vs. Posts  Will your “front page” be a blog?  Create “Home” Page  Create “Blog” Page  Settings : Reading  Front page displays “A static page” Front page: Home Posts page: Blog  Edit Menu  Appearance : Menus

8 Pages  Edit “Home” Page  Revisions (show using Screen Options)  Headings  Links  Uploading and Inserting Attachments  Pictures (images)  Documents (e.g. PDF, Word, Excel, etc.)  Featured Image  Likes and Shares

9 Posts  Edit just like a Page – plus more  Scheduling Posts  Categories  Tags  Format (theme-specific)  Featured Image

10 Page Templates  Edit “Blog” Page  Theme-specific  “Twenty Eleven” Templates  Default Template  Sidebar Template  Showcase Template

11 Comments  What are “Comments”?  Akismet anti-spam  Settings : Discussion  Moderating comments; Turning off comments  Default Avatar; Change “Leave a Reply”  Edit “Home” Page  Show “Discussion” and “Comments”  Screen Options at top right

12 Social Media  Settings : Sharing  Publicize - Send your Posts to your:  Facebook  Twitter  LinkedIn  Sharing Buttons  Display the services you want people to use

13 Widgets  Sidebars are Theme-specific  “Twenty Eleven” Theme Sidebars:  Main; Showcase; Footer Area One, Two, Three  Adding Content To Sidebars  Contact Info  Follow Blog (subscribe by email)  Categories  Recent Posts  Archives  Facebook Like Box  Twitter – Recent Tweets

14 Training Videos  Go To:  Login with the username you will be given now  Available to you for at least 6 months

15 Other Features (as time allows)  Quick Edit & Bulk Edit  Forms  Polls  Ratings  Links

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