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Pregnancy & Childbirth Human Sexuality Psychology 123 John B. Pryor, Ph.D.

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1 Pregnancy & Childbirth Human Sexuality Psychology 123 John B. Pryor, Ph.D.

2 ovary egg erupting opening to fallopian tube Release of egg Ovulation

3 sperm Conception male ejaculates 150-600 million sperm only 1-2 thousand make it to the fallopian tubes

4 ampulla conception usually happens in ampulla

5 Fertilized zygote in first division

6 Further division in Fallopian tube

7 Blastulaafterseveraldivisions, ready to implant fertilized egg usually takes 2-3 days to reach uterus

8 First Signs of Pregnancy missed period morning sickness - vomiting & nausea breast enlargement & tenderness frequent urination & fatigue

9 Pregnancy Testing reasons to test ASAP vulnerability to toxins (e.g. alcohol) early abortion detect ectopic pregnancy types of pregnancy tests home urine test lab urine test lab blood test human chorionic gonadotropin detect

10 Pregnancy Testing issues of testing sensitivity - early results false negatives - exposure of embryo to toxins

11 Clinical Indications of Pregnancy after 6 weeks- cervix softens & darkens after 6 weeks- cervix softens & darkens uterus softens & may bulge uterus softens & may bulge fetal heartbeat fetal heartbeat fetal movement fetal movement fetal skeleton from x-rays fetal skeleton from x-rays sonographic recognition of fetus sonographic recognition of fetus

12 fetus at 9 weeks male genitals faces sonograms

13 FIRST TRIMESTER Fetus grows to 1.5 to 4 inches in length weighs about 1 ounce Mother may experience mild nausea &uterine blood discharge Sexual interest & responsiveness: decrease in 1/3 same in 1/2 increase in rest

14 Embryo after 4 weeks

15 In some of the early stages of development humans resemble other vertibrates.

16 after 9 weeks chorion placenta

17 fetus at 3 months

18 Second Trimester Fetus - weight->2 lbs. - length->up 14 in. - quickening Mother - begins to show growth in abdomen - internal crowding - coitus usually continues

19 fetus at 4 months

20 Third Trimester Fetus - 7.5 lbs at birth -all major organs develop by 7th mon. -head “drops” in final mon. Mother - uncomfortable, further crowding -coital frequency decreases -1/2 stop altogether

21 Growth of fetus from about 9 weeks to birth

22 Changes in mother’s abdomen & uterus

23 Weight Gain During Pregnancy 1) Fetus7.5lbs. 2) Placenta1.5lbs. 3) Amniotic Fluid2.0lbs. 4) Increased Weight of Uterus2.5 lbs. 5) Blood3.5 lbs. 6) Breasts2.0 lbs. 7) Body Fluid3.0 + lbs. Total22.0 + lbs.

24 Placement of baby just before birth

25 Three signs of labor Contractions become stronger & more frequent-> occur at regular intervals Contractions become stronger & more frequent-> occur at regular intervals “Water breaks” “Water breaks” “Show”-> blood-tinged mucus plug from cervix “Show”-> blood-tinged mucus plug from cervix

26 Stages of Labor Early 1st stage Late 1st-transition 2nd stage 3rd stage

27 Birth Positions VAGINAL BIRTHS Head first, face down - 90% Head first, face up - 5% Breech position (buttocks or feet first) - 4% Transverse (sideways) - 1% CAESAREAN SECTION

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